| Child Victims Act Supporters Blast Pols for Legislation Failure at "Protect Children" Rally in Long Island
By Denis Slattery
New York Daily News
October 17, 2016
Peter.jpg Peter Magistrale speaks at a "Protect Children" rally in Saint James on Long Island. (@PETERMAGISTRALE VIA TWITTER)
Organizers at a rally calling for the passage of a bill making it easier for child sex abuse victims to seek justice in New York blasted lawmakers for holding up the legislation.
The “Protect Children” rally was held Saturday in Saint James, Long Island, in the heart of Senate Republican Majority Leader John Flanagan’s district.
Flanagan and a handful of other lawmakers have opposed efforts, led by the Daily News, to pass the Child Victims Act.
“John Flanagan should be ashamed of himself,” said Gary Greenberg, a casino investor who created the Fighting For the Children political action committee to help usher in a Democratic Senate majority. “The failure of the Child Victim’s Act by the Senate Republicans has put our kids safety at risk.”
Greenberg, himself a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, blasted Flanagan.
“Predators are prowling our streets looking for your kids because of Senator Flanagan,” he said.
The bill would provide a one-year window to revive old cases of sexual abuse and treat public and private institutions the same.
Different versions of the proposed legislation would either extend or eliminate the time limit that a child abuse victim can bring a case against his or her attacker. Current laws limit a victim’s ability to bring a case until their 23rd birthday.
Someone abused at a school or other public institution must file a notice of intent to sue within 90 days of the incident, according to current law.
The “Protect Children” rally was held Saturday in Saint James, Long Island, in the heart of Senate Republican Majority Leader John Flanagan’s district. (HANS PENNINK/AP)
Peter Magistrale, the long-shot Democratic candidate challenging in the 2nd district, joined Greenberg at the rally.
“Thousands of sexual predators are on NY streets instead of in NY prisons because Senator Flanagan would rather preserve a substantial source of campaign contributions for Senate Republicans than protect children,” Magistrale said. “That is the height of corruption.”
Magistrale cited specific and disturbing statistics about sexual abuse.
“According to the CDC, 1 in 5 children are sexually abused in NY. Studies show it takes 21 years for the average child rape victim to come forward, but once they turn 23 the statute of limitations expires and that’s why 90% of sexual predators are never convicted,” he said.
The pair were also joined by Andrew Willis, the CEO of the Stop Abuse Campaign, John De Vito, the Democratic candidate for the state Senate in the 3rd district, and dozens of supporters.
“Proud to stand with @PeterMagistrale today to @protectnykids and hold the Republicans accountable for obstructing the Child Victims Act,” John De Vito tweeted after the event.
Flanagan told the Daily News on Monday that he intends to take up the issue, if not the Child Victim’s Act, during the next legislative session.
“No one has worked harder to protect women and children from dangerous sexual predators and ensure justice for victims than Senator Flanagan,” Flanagan spokesman Robert Caroppoli told The News. “This is a profoundly serious issue and we expect additional discussions on the topic to occur next session.”