| Laity Forward Movement Members Advance on Yona Seminary
By Krystal Paco
October 12, 2016
For most members of the Laity Forward Movement, they had never been inside the Redemptoris Mater Seminary. And today, they were clearly unwelcome. The gates had a sign stating "No Trespassing" and individuals at the lobby doors mirrored that sentiment.
It wasn't just the temperature rising today in Yona.
Seminary attendant: All this filming is illegal. (shuts door)
Dee Peredo: Excuse me! No, no, no.
Seminary attendant: You do not have permission to be here. This is a private residence.
Dee Peredo: Do not touch me. This is not a private residence. My Sunday collections is going on this
Seminary attendant: Ma'am, calm down.
Laity Forward Movement members like Dee Peredo and Marilu Martinez maintain they have every right to be at the seminary - after all, they maintain, it's what they paid for. "Why would we contribute to a seminary that wouldn't serve us or do us any good?" asked Martinez. "They extended it mind you from the middle of the year to the end of the year. Extended the appeal to continue us donating and contributing to this seminary. And we are Catholics, we are not outsiders."
But who owns the multimillion dollar Yona property? That's still up for debate. According to Archbishop Anthony Apuron, KUAM News files show he stated a deed restriction placed on the property merely blocks the sale of the RMS from those looking to cash in and convert the property into a casino. Critics, however, argue Apuron gave the property away for free to parties affiliated with the Neocatechumenal Way.
In a previous statement from Guam's apostolic administrator, Archbishop Savio Hon Tai Fai, he asks the new owners to simply give the RMS back. Lou Klitzkie with the Laity Foward Movement said, "The NCW is not for Guam. Maybe it's for other places, but not for Guam." Peredo, "It's the ISIS of the Catholic Church.
Members of the Laity Forward Movement were prompted to visit the seminary today after hearing Archbishop Apuron and Father Pius Sammut may be hiding behind the walls of the seminary. Klitzkie said, "They're hiding Archbishop Apuron and Pius in there. That's why they don't want us to go in there. Why are they hiding? Come out and just tell us the truth. Why did you give away the RMS to the Neocatechumenal Way? We're very upset."
The seminary was once a hotel, and today, the grounds and pool appeared well maintained. Laity Foward Movement member Priscilla Quichocho added, "It's so beautiful and everything and here we are paying for this property that's supposedly belongs to the Archdiocese of Agana. But yet they won't allow us to go in and tour the place. That is really ridiculous. For years and years, the faithful Catholics have donated to the appeals which funds go towards this property, but they won't let us in. I just find that totally ridiculous."