Former Dallas Bishop among 17 cardinals appointed by Pope Francis
By Landon Haaf
October 9, 2016
Bishop Kevin Farrell of the Dallas Diocese said he expects to see obvious differences between Pope Gregory and his Argentinian successor. |
DALLAS - Three days after departing for Rome from his position with the Catholic Diocese of Dallas, Archbishop Kevin Farrell has been designated for one of the most prestigious titles next to the papacy -- cardinal.
Farrell, who served as the Bishop of the Diocese of Dallas from 2007 until Oct. 6 of this year, will be one of 17 new cardinals appointed by Pope Francis.
The new cardinals will be created in the next consistory on Nov. 19.
“I am humbled by the news this morning that our Holy Father Pope Francis has named me to the College of Cardinals,” Farrell said from Rome, according to a release from the Diocese of Dallas. “I ask all in the Diocese of Dallas to please pray for me that I may to the best of my ability fulfill this sacred duty to our Church.”
Archbishop Farrell was already the highest-ranking American at the Vatican. This summer, the Pope chose him as the prefect for a new dicastery for laity, family and life, a merger of two preexisting dicasteries.
Below is a list of all 17 newly-appointed cardinals, according to Vatican Radio:
Archbishop Mario Zenari, Italy
Archbishop Dieudonné Nzapalainga, Central African Republic
Archbishop Carlos Osoro Sierra, Spain
Archbishop Sérgio da Rocha, Brazil
Archbishop Blase J. Cupich, U.S.A.
Archbishop Patrick D’Rozario, Bangladesh
Archbishop Baltazar Enrique Porras Cardozo, Venezuela
Archbishop Jozef De Kesel, Belgium
Archbishop Maurice Piat, Mauritius
Archbishop Kevin Joseph Farrell, U.S.A.
Archbishop Carlos Aguiar Retes, Mexico
Archbishop John Ribat, Papua Nuova Guinea
Archbishop Mons. Joseph William Tobin U.S.A.
Archbishop Anthony Soter Fernandez, Archbishop Emeritus of Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Archbishop Renato Corti, Archbishop Emeritus of Novara Italy
Archbishop Sebastian Koto Khoarai, Bishop Emeritus of Mohale’s Hoek Lesotho
Father Ernest Simoni, presbytery of the Archdiocese of Shkodrë-Pult, Scutari – Albania.