Priest unhappy with parish shift
By Haidee V Eugenio
Pacific Daily News
October 9, 2016
In this 2014 photo, Father Adrian Cristobal gives an opening prayer at All Souls' Day Mass at Guam Memorial Park in Barrigada. He was reassigned to the Umatac church. |
Archbishop Savio Hon Tai Fai’s decision to reassign priests to new positions within the villages and within the Archdiocese of Agana leadership doesn't sit well with at least one priest.
Father Adrian Cristobal, who was reassigned as pastor of San Dionisio Church in Umatac after years of being pastor of San Vicente Ferrer Catholic Church in Barrigada, wrote an Oct. 4 letter to parishioners, stating Hon’s announcement came as a shock and surprise to him.
“Canon law grants to pastors the right to due process with regards to their transfer or removal from office. Archbishop Hon did not afford me the right to due process. Therefore, I am in communication with him and have respectfully requested that this matter be resolved in a conciliatory and judicious manner,” Cristobal said.
The changes became effective Sept. 30.
Father Jeff San Nicolas, Hon’s apostolic delegate, said this is an internal and personnel matter that he prefers to discuss with Cristobal in person.
Hon is currently in San Francisco.
The new assignments are:
Monsignor Brigido U. Arroyo, pastor emeritus of St. Anthony and St. Victor Church in Tamuning;
Father Adrian L.F. Cristobal, pastor of San Dionisio Church in Umatac;
Father Julius B. Akinyemi, pastor of San Dimas and Our Lady of the Rosary Church in Merizo;
Father Joel de los Reyes, parochial administrator of San Vicente Ferrer Church in Barrigada;
Father Carlos S. Vila, parochial administrator of Nuestra Señora de la Paz y Buen Viaje in Chalan Pago;
Father Edivaldo Da Silva-Oliveira, Catholic chaplain of Department of Youth Affairs and Department of Corrections in Mangilao;
Father Paul Gofigan, delegate of the Apostolic Administrator for Clergy; and
Father Richard Kidd, director of Vocation and Permanent Diaconate Program.
“I extend my heartfelt gratitude to these individuals for their openness and availability in accepting these new assignments, which have been made in the best interest of our entire Archdiocese,” Hon stated late last month, when the changes were announced. “I thank and congratulate them.”