| Catholic Cemeteries Board Secretary Fires Back at Archdiocese
By Haidee V Eugenio
Pacific Daily News
October 5, 2016
The Catholic Cemeteries of Guam Inc. controls and maintains the island's Catholic cemeteries including Pigo Catholic Cemetery in Hagatna, pictured here on Wednesday, Oct. 5.
The board secretary for The Catholic Cemeteries of Guam Inc. on Wednesday disputed claims by the Archdiocese of Agana that the board improperly approved a resolution which accuses Monsignor James Benavente of misusing cemetery funds for personal benefit.
The board filed a complaint with the Guam Police Department and the Office of the Attorney General Sept. 30, shortly after the archdiocese held a press conference exonerating Benavente.
Jacqueline T. Terlaje, an attorney who is the board's secretary, said the board unanimously approved a Sept. 30 resolution, authorizing the filing of the complaint.
The archdiocese had disputed the complaint, saying the board never met Sept. 30, and stating it was not unanimously approved, as described in the resolution. And a past Catholic Cemeteries board had approved the use of the funds, so the allegations are not true, according to the archdiocese.
Terlaje issued a one-page statement to the media on Wednesday, defending the validity of the complaint against Benavente.
“There are no corporate records or meeting minutes supporting the archdiocese’s statement that ‘the previous board of directors had approved the advancement of the funds and thus the advancement of funds was proper and authorized,’” Terlaje said.
As Catholic Cemeteries board secretary, Terlaje said she is responsible for maintaining the corporation’s records.
The complaint alleges Benavente misused $13,620 in Catholic Cemeteries money for Benavente’s anniversary dinner.
Terlaje said she disagrees that the use of funds paid for the burial of the deceased “may be used for a private celebration for the personal benefit of any director, officer or employee of the Catholic Cemeteries.”
Terlaje said each board member specifically authorized her to execute the certification.
“Each director must act in good conscience and speak the truth. I have not been notified by any director of any objection nor any change of mind on the subject matter,” Terlaje said.
Archbishop Savio Hon Tai Fai has asked for the immediate resignation of all Catholic Cemeteries board members who had anything to do with the Sept. 30 resolution.
The members of the Catholic Cemeteries of Guam Inc. board of directors are: Dennis Santo Tomas, chairperson; Roland San Agustin, vice chairperson; Terlaje, secretary; Lillian Perez-Posadas, director; and Wayne Santos, director. The Rev. Jose Alberto Rodriguez is the administrator.
Santo Tomas said he has been asked to resign from the board, “so it would be best to direct any questions you may have to the Archdiocese of Agana by speaking to either Father Jeff San Nicolas or Mister Tony Diaz.”
The archdiocese did not respond to questions as of press time.
Santos has been off island since Sept. 23 and is not expected to return until Oct. 12. San Agustin, Perez-Posadas and Rodriguez did not return calls or respond to emails.
Terlaje said the Catholic Cemeteries board is authorized to “manage and direct the affairs... operations... property and funds of the Corporation” pursuant to Article III of its bylaws.
All records released to police and the Office of the Attorney General are property of the Catholic Cemeteries, and subject to the authority of the board, she added.
Terlaje clarified she is not the attorney for the Catholic Cemeteries but a board director and secretary.
Terlaje is counsel for Archbishop Anthony S. Apuron in a $2 million libel and slander suit filed by former altar boys who accused Apuron of sexually abusing them in Agat in the 1970s.
Terlaje also said she received a threat of legal action by attorney David Lujan, who asked that the board immediately withdraw the complaint against Benavente.
“However, I will not unilaterally withdraw a statement authorized by the board; the facts provided to GPD and the AG are the truth, and I am obliged as an officer of the Catholic Cemeteries to protect the funds entrusted to me by the deceased, and by the numerous Catholic families who have buried their loved ones with the Catholic Cemeteries,” she said.
Lujan is the counsel for the former altar boys who publicly accused Apuron of abuse.
“Finally, as a Catholic, I too am deeply saddened by the state of affairs in the archdiocese, and Father Jeff San Nicolas has graciously extended the olive branch and his apology. I have accepted his apology, and agree that we must find a way to seek the truth and conciliation for the church that we all love. The Catholic Cemeteries board has also extended to him an invitation to join us at our board meeting (Wednesday) to discuss further these issues, and to find an amicable solution,” Terlaje added.