| Teacher's Victim "Learning How to Live Again" after Sexual Exploitation
By Sabrina Bedford
Ottawa Sun
September 23, 2016
Brockville Courthouse
“Mr. Rancourt, you no longer own me.”
That statement, from a woman in a case of sexual exploitation and sexual assault, was part of a powerful victim impact statement delivered Friday at the Brockville courthouse that left many in the courtroom in tears.
“I was outsmarted and manipulated by a person I trusted,” said the victim of years abuse at the hands of her high school teacher, adding she has been diagnosed with depression, anxiety and PTSD in the aftermath of the abuse.
“I can’t walk down the street. I live each and every day in fear of being hit, of being yelled at, of being used as a sexual tool.”
Dave Rancourt, a former teacher at St. Mary Catholic High School, was found guilty on one count of sexual exploitation and one count of sexual assault in July.
Rancourt, 45, was charged in 2014 by Brockville Police after a 22-year-old woman came forward with a number of allegations of physical and sexual abuse.
The abuse began in 2005 and had continued for years, abuse the Crown described Friday as “psychological manipulation in the highest order.”
“My virginity was stolen by my high school teacher,” the victim said, adding that she was robbed of her innocence and had many milestone moments in her life taken from her.
“I’m learning how to live again,” she said, adding her “whole sense of self has been warped.”
A publication ban protects the identify of the victim, who said she came forward because she was worried he would abuse other people.
“I’m in constant fear he will do it to someone else,” she said.
Over the course of the years of abuse, the woman said she was isolated from her family and friends, lost her entire sense of self, and has trouble going through the motions of daily life.
“I lack confidence and don’t know why anyone would want to be around me,” she said.
The victim’s parents also delivered impact statements describing how the abuse not only affected their daughter, but the family as a whole.
Her father described them as an “average Canadian family, nothing more, nothing less,” and said while the revelations have rocked his family to the core, in the end it brought them closer together.
“How could he do this to my little girl? How could he do this to my baby? He tortured her,” he said.
“I feel like Mr. Rancourt reached down my throat and pulled out my heart. My heart remains in pieces to this day.”
The family wasn’t aware of the abuse until the victim came forward in 2014, he said. He described coming face-to-face with Rancourt during the April 2016 trial and said, while it was difficult to hold back his anger, he needed to stay strong in the interest of getting justice for his daughter.
“I could see his smug, challenging attitude. I did see a man without remorse. … He is a monster,” he said.
“It almost cost my daughter her life.”
The victim’s mother said she has yet to return to work since she has also been dealing with feelings of guilt, depression and anxiety because of what happened.
“I failed to protect my child,” she said. “I am broken.”
Rancourt has since been fired from him teaching job with the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario.
The case is being heard by Ontario Superior Court Justice John Johnston. Rancourt will return to court on Oct. 13 for sentencing.