| Priest Emotional When Detailing How Archdiocese Isn't Calling the Shots
By Krystal Paco
September 20, 2016
It was an emotional morning for Father Jeff San Nicolas as he addressed the press and a room full of concerned Catholics on Tuesday morning. Although it was anticipated that he was to speak on the Archdiocese of Agana's recent stance on Bill 326 and the legislation's potentially crippling effects to the church, Catholic schools, and other church services, he instead disclosed a harsh reality: that the local archdiocese isn't calling the shots.
Father Jeff choked back his tears as he confirmed what critics have suspected for years - that the Neocatechumenal Way continues to interfere with local church affairs. "I realize I am taking a stand against my superiors, but I must because the vast majority of the people on Guam," he said, visibly shaken. "[The people] who have suffered from a leadership over the past several years has not been kept informed about issues that directly
Earlier this month, the priest as delegate of the administrator, approved for a small group comprised of members of the Laity Forward Movement to visit the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Yona. Father Jeff hoped the visit could prove a breakthrough between conflicting Catholic groups and start a dialogue. Instead, it proved local church leadership isn't calling the shots.
In an email to Father Jeff from acting RMS rector Monsignor David Quitugua, the rector states the visit was denied by Fernando Cardinal Filoni, prefect of the Congregation of the Evangelization of Peoples. "Neither I or Archbishop [Savio] Hon [Tai Fai] is the church authority over decision making regarding the Redemptoris Mater Seminary - even over simple matters such as who can visit," Father Jeff read.
He added, "Cardinal Filoni's instruction is that no such visit can be made to the seminary and that nobody can demand inspection of any documents without expressed and written permission granted by the proper ecclesiastical authority."
Father Jeff alleges it's the same Neocatechumenal support Archbishop Anthony Apuron continues to receive amid allegations of disobeying the Holy See relative to the RMS as well as the credible allegations of child sex abuse made against him. Father Jeff pleads to Pope Francis to declare the Archdiocese of Agana sede vacante - without a bishop.
He also shared a plea to Cardinal Filoni, announcing, "The lines of authority in this archdiocese are not clear. Please practice the principal of subsidarityto allow local leaders to make decisions on local church matters."
Among those in the audience were members of groups that have demanded transparency from the archdiocese, such as the Concerned Catholics of Guam and the Laity Forward Movement.
Ernee Perez is a parishioner at Blessed Diego De San Vitores church in Tumon, and she told KUAM News she was moved by Father Jeff's honesty. She said, "The Holy Spirit really got on him. I know that he might be a sacrificial lamb for what he has done today. I'm very, very proud of him."
Father Jeff also discussed the church's rationale behind a circulating petition to reconsider Bill 326, legislation that would lift the civil statute of limitations on child sex abuse cases and its potentially devastating effects. Joe Santos, founder of the Silent No More movement, the petition that prompted senators to introduce the legislation, said, "Protect the victims first and worry about the buildings later. All those diocese in the States who have filed bankruptcy, they are thriving. People need to understand that this building that we are standing in, it will not be lost."
For Concerned Catholics of Guam vice president Andrew Camacho, the sacrifice will be worth the reward, as he said, "Our position is still the same. We focus mainly on the victims. We want them to heal. We want them to be made whole. And to recover from their abuse. In terms of bankruptcy that is certainly possible for the church."
This sentiment was echoed by Laity Forward Movement's Mary Lou Martinez, who told KUAM News, "When the church is purified, the parishioners will get together again and we will rebuild the church. We will do it. The parishioners built it before. We will do it again. We will be a pure church. The church teaches us when you sin you need to make amends for your sins. And you know what we're ready to fight and to sacrifice for our church. And so be it.
"If we lose some buildings, if we lose some schools, the people, the laity. We will rebuild and we will make those sacrifices willingly."