| The Satisfaction of Justice, at Long Last
By Peter FitzSimons
Sydney Morning Herald
September 19, 2016
It was satisfying to see my erstwhile boarding master at Knox Grammar, Neil Albert Futcher, "found guilty by a jury of 22 child sex charges, including eight counts of buggery" last Wednesday.
As reported by the Herald, as the verdicts were read out, the court room was filled with the sounds of sobbing. Futcher, as far as it is known, did not offend while at Knox in 1974 – and I have asked many of my fellow boarders – but wreaked a terrible trail of destruction once he moved to Trinity Grammar the following year. Bravo, to those former Trinity boys, now in their 50s, who came forward and gave their evidence that saw him convicted.
The verdict came the day after the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse released its findings about what happened at Knox, noting particularly that the long-time headmaster of Knox, Dr Ian Paterson, "failed to prioritise the welfare of boys over the reputation of the school". No one who reads the report, most particularly from page 59 onwards, can doubt it.
Once again, I simply cannot put the figure that emerges from the royal commission together with the legendary educator of unimpeachable integrity I knew. But Dr Paterson's conduct in the face of the allegations that emerged, his enabling of the culture that allowed child abuse to take place over so many years, most particularly in the 1980s, was nothing less than disgraceful
Neil Albert Futcher leaves Downing centre court after a hearing in August. Photo: Daniel Munoz
Order of magnitude
A single paragraph by the English writer Mark Forsyth, in his book The Elements of Eloquence went viral on the internet this week. Tell us, again, Mark, while we lean in close.
"Adjectives in English absolutely have to be in this order: opinion-size-age-shape-colour-origin-material-purpose noun. So you can have a lovely little old rectangular green French silver whittling knife. But if you mess with that word order in the slightest you'll sound like a maniac. It's an odd thing that every English speaker uses that list, but almost none of us could write it out."
In a followup piece, for the BBC, Forsyth noted there are a couple of small exceptions to the rule. "Little Red Riding Hood may be perfectly ordered, but ... Big Bad Wolf seems to be breaking all the laws of linguistics. Why does Bad Big Wolf sound so very, very wrong? What happened to the rules?"
Well, occasionally, the rule above is trumped by another rule we know.
Illustration: Reg Lynch
"The rule of ablaut reduplication. You've been using it all your life. It's just that you've never heard of it. But if somebody said the words zag-zig, or cross-criss you would know, deep down in your loins, that they were breaking a sacred rule of language. You just wouldn't know which one ... We always, always say clip-clop, never clop-clip. Every second your watch (or the grandfather clock in the hall makes the same sound) but we say tick-tock, never tock-tick. You will never eat a Kat Kit bar. The bells in Frere Jaques will forever chime 'ding dang dong'."
"Reduplication in linguistics is when you repeat a word, sometimes with an altered consonant (lovey-dovey, fuddy-duddy, nitty-gritty), and sometimes with an altered vowel: bish-bash-bosh, ding-dang-dong. If there are three words then the order has to go I, A, O. If there are two words then the first is I and the second is either A or O. Mish-mash, chit-chat, dilly-dally, shilly-shally, tip top, hip-hop, flip-flop, tic tac, sing song, ding dong, King Kong, ping pong."
Fabulous, innit?
Cubs no more
Ah, the joy in the room! Last Friday evening at Machiavellis no fewer than 135 Fairfax journalists, artists and photographers from the old days gathered at a reunion for the ages.
Doug Anderson and David Marr! Malcolm Brown, Jenna Price, Marian Wilkinson and Margot Kingston! Eric Beecher and Mark Scott! Yes, a few speeches, but mostly it was get-together for people who worked closely together for many years, who admired and respected each other, but have gone different ways.
Apologies were extended from the likes of John Alexander, John Huxley and the great Evan Whitton, while stories were told of the late, great, Wanda Jamrozik, Paddy McGuinness, Les Kennedy and many others.
I'm told the rolling ball of a party made its way through the Sydney CBD and finished nigh on 3am. It has been an honour and a privilege to work with them all.
A revealing issue
A quick question to those on twitter. Are you, like me, being besieged by young women from all over the world, tweeting you, saying they will take their tops off and all the rest, online, if you send them money? It seems to have gone viral lately? What is the solution, please?
Joke of the week
I was confused when I heard the word "service" used in these ways: telephone service; cable service; internet service; civil service; public service; customer service. This is not what I thought service meant. Then today, I overheard two farmers talking, and one of them said he had hired a bull to service a few cows. BAM!!! It all came into focus. Now I understand what all those services are doing to us.
They said it...
"I have two words for you – I'm back."
Pauline Hanson, opening her second maiden speech.
"1996 Hanson claims we'll be 'swamped by Asians'. 2016 it's 'swamped by Muslims'. Greatest threat is being swamped by her type of ignorance."
Barry O'Farrell tweets up a storm.
"I was once asked ... 'What inscription would you want on your tombstone?' I thought and I said: 'Just two words: He tried.' That will do me when I leave this chamber, and I leave this world: He tried. Or, as I would have said all those years ago on television: 'I'm Derryn Hinch. That's life. Goodnight'."
Senator Derryn Hinch in his maiden speech.
"Enjoy the tea! Compliments of the two Aboriginals sitting next to you on table 26."
Such was the note sent on the receipt for their cafe bill to two elderly woman in Perth after conducting a loud racist conversation on the problem with Aborigines, and their inability to assimilate.
"It took a little time to sink in that it had actually happened."
Paralympian Jess Gallagher on becoming the first Australian athlete, Paralympian or Olympian, to win a medal at both summer and winter games.
"As of today there will be a $1 million reward for the safe return of this little boy."
Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione announcing a record reward for the return of three-year-old William Tyrrell on the second anniversary of his disappearance.
"The problem of a growing city is real, but it is far better than the opposite problem of a shrinking city."
Planning Minister Rob Stokes as government figures show that Sydney is growing faster than expected and is now predicted to have a population of 6.25 million within 20 years.