| Group Walks to Urge Ending Limitations on Child Sex Abuse Complaints
By Greg Wright
September 18, 2016
One woman, Annette Nestler, spoke of how the abuse of her father by a church official led to his suicide.
State Sen. Joseph Vitale walked with a group of about 20 activists from Pennsylvania to the New Jersey's Statehouse Sunday to vocalize their opposition to the state's statute of limitations for civil actions related to sex abuse.
The group also wants New Jersey to pass a pending bill that would eliminate the time constraints for legal actions.
"We need to protect victims child sexual abuse and help them seek justice," Sen. Vitale (D-Middlesex), who is the primary sponsor of the legislation, said. "This will require changing the law and expanding the civil statute of limitations for this crime."
The rally began after the group, comprised of individuals and members of The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), Road to Recovery and Male Survivor, completed a walk from Morrisville, Pa. to the Statehouse.
There, sexual assault survivors from New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York spoke about their own struggles in seeking justice and returning to a life of normalcy after becoming victims.
Currently, sex abuse victims have only two years to sue after discovering the link between their abuse to other problems, such as depression, addiction or divorce.
The state's limit is 'the most strict nationwide," Vitale said. "We can expand that time, so that victims can reconcile the abuse."
Vitale and various group members say they have been working on similar legislation for years. Passing legislation on this issue has been the most difficult challenge of Vitale's 18-year tenure, he said.
Vitale says that while he'd personally like to see the statue of limitations completely removed, many of his colleagues are hesitant to pass a bill that would remove all time limits.
He says that's because of the unpredictability that could lead to for future legal matters and that removing the statute of limitations for any crime would create similar issues.
Now the bill, the way it's written, eliminates the statue. But Vitale says he's open to compromise because, after working with many victims, he believes the statute could be moved from two years to 30 years.
That would allow victims enough time and oblige most of the senators who will be voting on the legislation. He says the bill has a "realistic" chance of passing the senate.
Vitale says that most of his opposition in passing the retrospective legislation has come from the Catholic Church on the grounds that the church would go bankrupt if the retroactive law was expanded.
Fred Marigliano, 69, who was abused by a priest at 11 years old and now works with the various groups in attendance on Sunday, said he doesn't care about the politics.
"I'm sick of hearing excuses from politicians," Marigliano said.
He wants justice for the survivors.
"People don't understand — It will never leave their mind," he said. "It's burnt within their soul."
Bill S280 is currently before the Senate Judiciary Committee.