Children and young people to feature in research event - registrations open now
Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse
September 15, 2016
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse is hosting a research symposium about children and young people’s issues in October.
Attendance is free and invitations are open to everyone.
‘Listen and give us a say: Children and young people’s views about safety in institutions’ will share findings from research reports commissioned and published by the Royal Commission.
Researchers spoke directly with diverse groups of children and young people, including those with a disability, about the safety issues they experience in institutional contexts and how these are best addressed.
Findings will be presented from a selection of research reports including, Taking us seriously, Feeling safe, being safe and Our safety counts
There will be presentations by the report authors followed by a panel of children and young people.
The findings will be relevant to a range of organisations including service providers, advocacy groups, government and research as well as to young people themselves, and those working with young people in education, justice, religious organisations and sports groups.
VENUE: University Hall, University of Technology Sydney 15 Broadway Ultimo NSW 2007 DATE: Friday 28 October 2016 TIME: 9:00am – 12:30pm including morning tea. Registration from 8:30am. If you would like to attend, email by 23 September 2016.