Royal Commission chair gives figures that show the extent of abuse
By Ian Kirkwood
Newcastle Herald
September 12, 2016
MASSIVE TASK: Royal Commission chairman Justice Peter McClellan. |
ABOUT 2300 people having private sessions with the child abuse Royal Commission have reported abuse in Catholic institutions, according to figures quoted on Monday by the chair of the commission, Justice Peter McClellan.
Speaking at the opening of the commission’s 44th case study, Justice McClellan said more than 5800 people had asked for private sessions with the commission: he expected the total to reach 7200 by the time the commission finished at the end of next year.
“Abuse in Catholic institutions was reported by 40 per cent of all private session attendees . . .” Justice McClellan said. He said information had been received about more than 400 institutions. Case studies were chosen to reflect geographic spread and institution type.
The commission had referred 1659 matters to the police for possible prosecution, putting police resources “under significant pressure”. Prosecutions had been brought against 71 people.