| Hon Calls Anew for Lifting of Restriction on Yona Seminary Property
By Haidee V Eugenio
Pacific Daily News
September 2, 2016
Archbishop Savio Tai Fai Hon addresses clerymen and other Catholic faithfuls during a prayer gathering at the Saint Anthony and Saint Victor Catholic Church in Tamuning on Thursday, June 9.
On the eve of his two-week trip to Rome, Archbishop Savio Hon Tai Fai reiterated on Thursday his call for the lifting of a restriction on a Yona property that allows its indefinite use for a seminary and theological institute.
A deed restriction signed by Archbishop Anthony S. Apuron allows the Redemptoris Mater Seminary and the Blessed Diego Luis de San Vitores Catholic Theological Institute for Oceania to use the Yona property in perpetuity, but Hon said the deed is unusual.
Hon said the pope has instructed Apuron more than once to remove that deed restriction. Apuron said he cannot in his conscience lift the deed restriction.
In a statement on Thursday, Hon said the main points conveyed by former members of the Archdiocesan Finance Council on Wednesday about the property corroborate the Archdiocese of Agana’s position that Hon himself announced on Aug 18.
“The Archdiocese still insists that the community that enjoys the benefits of ‘perpetual use’ of the RMS property should renounce such benefits granted through a deed restriction,” Hon said in a statement on Thursday. “Such an act will help significantly in the Archdiocese’s efforts to restore unity and build harmony between all members of the Church on Guam.”
On Aug. 18, Hon requested that the “community which now enjoys in perpetuity the use of the property to spontaneously and effectively renounce, without any litigation, such a benefit obtained from the Archdiocese of Agana.”
This also comes a week after the Concerned Catholics of Guam, which has been calling for Apuron’s removal, announced that it is preparing a lawsuit to ensure the Archdiocese of Agana takes back control of the Yona property.
The Concerned Catholics of Guam said the Neocatechumenal Way controls the property in Yona.
The Yona property, valued between $40 million and $75 million, is the former 100-room, oceanside Accion Hotel.
Hon also apologized to former members of the local Catholic Church’s finance council.
“As for the hurt and wounds which the former members of the Archdiocesan Finance Council had suffered due to the improper dissolution of the same council, Archbishop Hon expresses his sincerest apologies,” Hon said.
“We ask all faithful of the Church to keep in mind our call, as Christian brothers and sisters, to treat one another with dignity and respect, despite any differences that may exist.”
Archbishop Savio Hon Tai Fai
The archbishop also said while moving forward, the archdiocese welcomes criticism.
“With discernment, acceptance and humility, we understand that criticism is a bridge that leads to improvement,” Hon said. “We ask all faithful of the Church to keep in mind our call, as Christian brothers and sisters, to treat one another with dignity and respect, despite any differences that may exist.”
On Wednesday, former members of the Archdiocesan Finance Council led by former president Richard Untalan said Apuron went behind the council’s back in 2011 when the archbishop, with help from other people involved with the Neocatechumenal Way, secretly recorded a deed transferring the church property in Yona to the Redemptoris Mater Seminary.
Untalan said he and others are talking about the issue in response to recent statements made by Apuron and Seminary Rector Rev. Pius Sammut.
“Archbishop Apuron was (directly involved), but as you shall see, he appears to be suffering from a case of selective memory,” Untalan said, reading from a prepared six-page statement that was sent to Hon and other Church officials. “So today, we will debunk these statements and expose them for what they are: fabrications in an attempt to cover up the secret transfer and recordation of the title of the Yona property to the RMS Corporation.”
Untalan said the council believes that Apuron and those who helped him with the secret recording of the deed transfer violated church and civil laws. The deed gives the seminary the legal authority to use the Yona property indefinitely.
Hon in Rome
Hon also announced on Thursday he would be off island Friday to go to Rome mainly to facilitate a seminar for new bishops, and also to meet with colleagues of the Holy See “that have particular concern for the Archdiocese of Agana.”
Hon said he would be off island from Friday to Sept. 18.
While Hon’s announcement didn’t cite specific concerns, the Archdiocese of Agana has been dealing with public sex abuse allegations against Apuron, as well as a $2 million libel and slander lawsuit against Apuron, the archdiocese and up to 50 other people. In addition, there are the lingering questions about the ownership and control of the Yona property.
“I will be in Rome facilitating a seminar for new bishops as part of the duties of the Secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples,” Hon said in a separate statement.
Pope Francis appointed Hon on June 6 to temporarily administer the Catholic Church in Guam.
Hon was sent to Guam in place of Apuron, who was temporarily stripped by the Vatican of his administrative powers over the local church after former altar boys publicly accused him of sexually abusing and/or raping them in the 1970s in Agat.
Hon said during his absence, the ordinary administration of the Archdiocese of Agana shall be under the responsibility of the Rev. Jeff San Nicolas, the delegate of the administrator. The chancellor, Rev. Lito Abad?, will be assisting San Nicolas, according to Hon.
“I have full confidence in them and ask all faithful to continue to work together for the good of the Church and as witnesses of Christ,” Hon said. “While in Rome, I will be able to meet with colleagues of the Holy See that have particular concern for the Archdiocese of Agana.”