| Independent Investigator Releases Full St. George's School Sex Abuse Report
By Mark Schieldrop
The Patch
September 1, 2016
The independent investigator hired by victims of sexual abuse at St. George's School has released his report on a pattern of abuse affecting more than 60 victims over decades and the school's response.
"Sexual Abuse at St. George's School and the School's Response: 1970 to 2015" can be found HERE.
The state police closed an investigation alleged sexual assault and misconduct by former members of faculty and students at the elite school in June. Police determined the state couldn't proceed with criminal charges at that time.
That investigation focused on seven former faculty members, a current employee and three former students. But the report released today by Martin F. Murphy of Foley Hoag LLP thoroughly details case after case of sexual abuse or assault and depicts a school culture that did little to prevent and in some cases protected alleged abusers.
An alumni group of united former victims reached a settlement with the school in August and will receive financial compensation and ongoing support.
In a statement, Leslie Heaney, Chair of the St. George’s Board of Trustees said, “It is our sincere hope that this agreed resolution will assist our survivors as they move forward towards healing. We look forward to continuing to work with our survivor community so that the lessons learned can ensure the safety of our current and future generations of St. George’s students.”
Anne Scott, a former student, brought the issue out of the shadows by coming forward and telling her story to the Boston Globe, sparking many more victims to come forward. In August, when the settlement was announced between SGS for Healing and the school, she said "St. George’s has done something meaningful and important for survivors. We are deeply grateful to the Board of Trustees for their leadership and compassion. It’s hard to put into words what it feels like to receive this kind of validation and support, after all these years. Our spirits are renewed on our forward healing journey.”
Eric MacLeish, who together with Carmen Durso was counsel for the claimants, stated, “St. George’s Board of Trustees has taken a major step forward in today’s announcement. While no amount of money can make victims whole, today’s settlement says to survivors: ‘This was not your fault, it affected your life in profound ways, it happened at our school, and we are truly sorry for what you have lost.’”