| Bishop Undaunted by Prison Threat
Irish Catholic
August 24, 2016
Bishop Ramon Castro Castro of Cuernavaca
A Catholic bishop in Mexico threatened with prison for allegedly interfering in politics has vowed to continue his work on behalf of the people of his state from behind bars.
Bishop Ramon Castro Castro of Cuernavaca in the state of Morales is awaiting a decision from local prosecutors on possible charges after he hosted a meeting at his cathedral for members of civil organisations who are critical of Governor Graco Ramirez for his handling of the state’s crime rate. The meeting prompted Governor Ramirez to lodge a complaint of political interference, and one of homophobia for the bishop’s earlier participation in a march in defence of the traditional family.
“If I go to prison, no problem, from there I’ll do the work of evangelisation,” a defiant Bishop Castro responded.
The Bar Association of Cuernavaca has leapt to the defence of the prelate, while all of the priests of the city have signed a letter in support of their bishop.
Indian Bishop and priests arrested in murder probe
A bishop and four priests in the Indian state of Kerala have been arrested following the re-opening of an investigation in to the death of a 17-year-old girl at a rectory in 2013.
When Fathima Sofia was found hanging at the home of a priest church in Palakkad, Kerala, her death was originally ruled a suicide by investigators. However, following accusations by the girl’s mother of sexual abuse and an alleged admission by Fr H. Arockyaraj that he had murdered the girl with whom he was having a relationship, police decided to re-examine the case. Investigators have now arrested Bishop Thomas Aquinas Lephonse of Coimbatore and four priests and charged them with withholding evidence of importance to a criminal case. Arockyaraj, now laicised by a canonical court, was previously arrested and charged with rape. He denies the charges.