| Ongoing Cases of Adultery in the Methodist Church - Bhagwan
By Ana Ravulo
Fiji Village
August 19, 2016
Secretary of Communications, Reverend James Bhagwan.
There are ongoing cases of adultery in the Methodist Church in Fiji.
This has been confirmed by the Secretary of Communications, Reverend James Bhagwan who says that he cannot reveal the exact number of cases.
Bhagwan says any case of adultery is discussed in the ministerial session of the standing committee of the church which investigates any allegations and once an investigation is completed they make a ruling on the particular case.
He says if someone has been found to have committed adultery they are stood down or terminated from their position as a minister.
Bhagwan adds that the minimum time ministers have to stay out of service is 5 years and after the 5 years, they may re?apply for admission to be a ministry leader again.
He mentions that any case of sexual misconduct in terms of sexual abuse, domestic violence, rape or criminal activities, are dealt within the public arena as they are reported to police.