| A Legislature Speaker's Haunting Story of Sexual Assault
By Don Braid
Calgary Herald
August 19, 2016
There’s really no easy way to begin this strange and powerful story, but here it comes, with a caution to those of delicate feelings.
One day in 2012, David Carter, a man of the church, a former Speaker of the Alberta legislature, walked into a cemetery in Saskatchewan’s Qu’Appelle Valley.
He poured lemon juice on the grave of a former archbishop of the Anglican Church.
Then he drove away, thinking that would satisfy a burning anger that had simmered for 35 years.
But no, Carter soon decided, it wasn’t enough. He turned around and drove back.
This time, he urinated on the grave.
Now 82, David Carter has always been a man of strict rectitude and principle. If you asked me who among all the political people I know might do such a shocking thing, he’d be the very last person I would name.
In a new self-published book (Carter has written almost 20) he says the archbishop sexually abused him at a convention in Minneapolis in 1977.
“I’m finally telling it like it is,” Carter says in an interview. “I just hope it helps people who’ve had a similar experience to mine — you have every right to feel angry. If you talk about it, it can help free you up from the ghosts that are down there.”
The archbishop was nominally superior to both Carter, then dean of Calgary’s Anglican Cathedral, and to his father, J.W. Carter, an archdeacon.
Carter says he invited the man, whom he prefers not to name, to his hotel room for a drink out of courtesy to his distinguished position.
“I soon got up to leave because I was never a great fan of this fellow to begin with. But he suddenly grabs me and, to my surprise, kisses me and sticks his tongue down my throat.
“To this day I don’t know why I didn’t knee him in his particulars, or slug him.”
Carter eluded the man, fled the hotel, changed his flight time, and raced home to Calgary.
A married man with two daughters, he told few people — and never his father.
“I was 43. I had two degrees; I’d majored in psychology and sociology. I thought, hey, I can handle this.
“I wasn’t about to embarrass the church. Also, it would have been his word against mine, and he had a senior position.”
Then Carter reveals another reason that shows how family loyalties can so often force ruinous silence about sexual assault.
“I think it would have broken my father’s heart,” he says.
“My dad was such a wonderful clergyman and had great faith in the system. He was of the old school, God bless him — loyalty, devotion, stiff upper lip.”
But Carter’s anger festered. The archbishop’s appalling abuse of power, he believes, “was directed not simply at me, it was directed at my father, it was directed at the institution I loved.”
Carter soon left the formal church. He ran for the Progressive Conservatives in 1979 and was elected in the old riding of Calgary-Millican. In 1982 he ran in Calgary-Egmont and stayed in that seat until 1993.
In 1986, he became the Speaker, a job he says he didn’t want, but obliged him to enforce the rules and traditions in the firmest way.
He had a monumental conflict with Leo Piquette, then a New Democrat MLA, after he prohibited Piquette from asking questions in French. It became a national scandal with headlines in the Quebec media.
Asked why he prohibited French, Carter says simply, “It was illegal.” The legislature, not him, had decided years before that only English could be spoken in debate.
He and Piquette are still at it. “To this day, he sees himself as a latter-day Louis Riel,” Carter says of his old rival.
In his book, Our Fragile Democracy: In Defence of Parliament, he calls Piquette “the less than honourable member.”
Piquette counters that Carter was “the dishonourable Speaker.” He still feels his constitutional language rights were violated.
Carter was a stickler for rules and decorum, enforced with a touch of pomposity. But there always seemed to be more going on; the sense that behind Carter’s public rigidity stood both a good man and a fragile one.
And now, perhaps, we know why.
Several years ago, Carter heard former Flames star Theo Fleury talking on TV about his abuse at the hands of former coach Graham James. It started him thinking about his secret. After hearing Fleury again some time later, he decided to go public.
“I had submerged this thing into my subconscious, thinking I could handle it. But in different ways I didn’t handle it too well. Then I finally sat down and listened, and that was the beginning of me dealing with this more openly.”
Today Carter lives in Cypress Hills south of Medicine Hat. There the liberation that began so strangely in one graveyard may conclude in another.
“My dad is buried very close to my house here,” he says. “I never told him, but maybe one day soon I’ll just go down and sit by his grave and chat.”
Don Braid’s column appears regularly in the Herald
Contact: dbraid@postmedia.com