| Stockton Priest Accused of Sexting Male Pool Worker—so What's That Gotta Do with Oc?
By Gustavo Arellano
OC Weekly
August 15, 2016
Last week brought news that Monsignor Larry McGovern of the Diocese of Stockton is getting sued by a pool maintenance contractor who alleges that the priest sexted a photo of his junk to the poor guy, then fired him after reporting the padre to the cops. But McGovern—who's currently on administrative leave—ain't just any normal cleric: he was one of the key witnesses in lawsuits filed last decade against the pedo-priest-loving Diocese of Stockton.
Who'd find such a crazy case? The Irvine-based firm of Manly, Stewart & Finaldi, of course, the crusading lawyers who've sued pervert-loving Catholics across the world. Though John Manly and Vince Finaldi remain in OC, their connections to the Stockton pedo-priest scandal runs deep: it was Manly who deposed former Archdiocese of Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony over a particularly egregious kid rapist named Oliver O'Grady, a case that served as the key story in the important documentary Deliver Us from Evil. And it was Manly and Finaldi's dogged pursuit of the truth that unearthed the crazy allegation against McGovern.
"Monsignor McGovern was a witness and denied knowing of any sexual improprieties by [pedo-priests, including O'Grady], despite living with them in the rectory for years and contrary to victim statements," Finaldi is quoted as saying in a press release announcing the lawsuit. "It is sad but not suprising that he now stands accused of sexual misconduct."
Okay, enough: y'all want to see the dick pick, right? Sorry: this is a family publication, so we'll just showthe text that McGovern allegedly sent to the plaintiff right after the cock shot and which is included as evidence in the lawsuit Manly, Stewart, and Finaldi filed in San Joaquin County: