| "ST Ninian's Paedophiles Destroyed Our Lives - They Should Have Got Life behind Bars': Victim of Child Abuse School Hits out
By Paul O'hare
Daily Record
August 12, 2016
John Farrell, left, and Paul Kelly were convicted of abusing boys at St Ninian's School
A VICTIM of historical child abuse today blasted the sentences handed down to two paedophile teachers at a residential school run by a Catholic order.
Priest John Farrell and teacher Paul Kelly were jailed for a total of 15 years for brutalising young boys at St Ninian’s in Falkland, Fife, in the 70s and 80s.
But Dave Sharp, who endured hell at the school run by the Christian Brothers, said the men should have been caged for longer.
Dave said: “Child abuse on this scale should carry a life sentence.
“To destroy somebody’s life as a child should not be treated the same as burgling a house or robbing a bank.
Dave Sharp
“You are talking about children’s lives, not just one, but many children’s lives over a long period of time.
“The punishment does not fit the crime.
“Everybody said the St Ninian’s case was the biggest case of its kind in Scottish legal history.
“This was an opportunity for the legal system to make a huge statement and they haven’t really done that.”
Dave, 57, didn’t give testimony because the man who raped him, Father Gerry Ryan, is dead.
Last September, he was awarded a payout from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority for the crimes committed against him.
He is haunted to this day by his experiences.
Dave, who is originally from Glasgow but now lives in Northampton, said: “Every day I carry around a concrete slab in my heart.
“That concrete slab stops me living, stops me being myself, stops me having any relationships and doing anything in my life.
“The only people who can take that slab away are the people who abused me.
“That’s the same for everybody else.”
Abuse victim Dave Sharp after meeting with senior members of the Catholic church
Farrell, 73, from Motherwell, was jailed for five years for three counts of indecent assault.
Kelly, 54, from Plymouth, was sentenced to 10 years for four counts of indecent assault and two assault charges.
Both men were members of the Catholic religious order the Congregation of Christian Brothers, who ran the school.
Farrell went on to become a priest and Kelly continued to teach until his retirement four years ago.
Judge Lord Matthews told the pair: “The jury found you guilty of a number of gross abuses of the trust placed in you in relation to some of the most vulnerable members of our society, children from difficult backgrounds with no effective voice.
“The vulnerabilities to which all of the victims were already subject were plainly greatly exacerbated by the revolting abuse to which they were subjected at St Ninian’s.
“It is no exaggeration to say that their whole lives have been blighted by what went on.
“No sentence I can pass can undo the grievous harm caused to them by your conduct.
“It can only be hoped that the jury’s verdict can provide some form of closure for them after all these years.”
Victims and their supporters in the public gallery clapped as the sentence was handed down.
One shouted: “Hope you enjoy every day of it.”
St Ninian’s housed about 45 vulnerable boys in need of care until its closure in 1983.
Headmaster Farrell and Kelly committed the crimes over a four-year period from 1979 against pupils aged 11 to 15.
The pair were tried on about 50 charges but the jury found them not guilty, or the offence not proven, for all but 11 on July 22.