| Anglican Church Tried to Change Rules to Keep Child Sex Abuse Findings Quiet – Inquiry
The Guardian
August 10, 2016
Child sex abuse royal commission hears attempts were made to change Anglican church rules so findings against priests were kept private. Photograph: Annie Reynolds/PhotoLink/Getty Images
Attempts were made to change Anglican church rules so that findings of child sex abuse against priests were kept private, a whistleblower has told the royal commission.
Michael Elliott, a former policeman, has been the professional standards director in the diocese of Newcastle, New South Wales, since 2009.
CKH gave his evidence on Tuesday and said Lawrence’s long-time partner, Greg Goyette, a teacher, also had sex with him.
Under cross examination, Lawrence’s barrister, Philip Massey, put to CKH: “I suggest to you that, in fact, Mr Lawrence never had a sexual relationship with you in any form. What do you say about that?”
CKH replied: “No. I have come here to speak the truth. It is the truth, and I feel I have been very brave to speak out about what Lawrence did to me.”
After a police investigation went nowhere, Elliott told the commission he wrote to the accused men and told them they would be investigated by the professional standards board.
Lawrence sent a solicitor’s letter denying the allegations and did not cooperate after that, Elliott said.
The board found the allegations were sustained and recommended Hoare, Lawrence, Duncan and Sturt be deposed from holy orders.
Elliott said he was later told by the diocesan business manager, John Cleary, that Bishop Brian Farran did not want to defrock Lawrence or Sturt, but rather wanted to impose prohibition orders.
Cleary, Lawrence and Farran are on the witness list to give evidence.