Catholic Church housed paedophile Christian Brothers on same inner-city property it rents out as function centre
By Beau Donelly And Chris Vedelago
August 8, 2016
The Treacy Centre in Parkville. Photo by Luis Ascui |
The Treacy Centre in Parkville. Photo by Arsineh Houspian |
William Houston is serving a lengthy jail sentence for historic sex crimes. Photo by Channel Nine |
Notorious paedophile Robert Charles Best was a resident at the venue. |
The Catholic Church has housed a string of paedophile Christian Brothers on the same inner-city property it rents out as a family-friendly function centre.
A Fairfax Media investigation has revealed the Christian Brothers have been housing child sex offenders next to the Treacy Centre wedding and conference facility in Parkville since it opened three decades ago.
Past residents include notorious paedophiles Robert Charles Best and William Stuart Houston, who are both now serving lengthy jail sentences for historic sex crimes.
The Christian Brothers have refused to disclose how many known abusers are currently living in the complex, citing privacy concerns.
"Any Brother who has a substantiated claim of child sexual abuse against them is subject to appropriate but strict monitoring including restrictions in relation to children," a spokesman said.
But the Christian Brothers have also refused to comment on why clients of the venue and neighbouring residents have not been warned about the presence of men the religious order itself consider to be potentially dangerous.
A popular wedding venue, the Treacy Centre has previously been hired out by primary schools, support groups for young people with learning difficulties, and organisations that run child health care programs.
In promotional materials for the property, which is also the Christian Brothers' Victorian headquarters, the congregation has referred to the "Mt Sion hostel" as an aged care facility for its members.
But also living among those retirees have been child abusers, including some who simultaneously occupied positions of authority at the Treacy Centre.
Brother Peter Eymard Noonan managed the conference centre for almost two years before his death in 2004. Victim support groups say Noonan was the subject of confirmed incidents of sex abuse during his earlier career as a Catholic school teacher.
Fairfax Media is aware that the Christian Brothers have resolved at least one claim with a victim who alleged child abuse by Noonan.
After receiving treatment at a facility for abusive priests in 1995, Brother Rex Ignatius Elmer was given an "administrative position" at the Treacy Centre before he was jailed for sex crimes in 1998. Elmer admitted molesting 12 boys, some as young as eight, at a South Melbourne orphanage in the early 1970s.
Brother William Stuart Houston moved to Parkville in 1993 and was put in charge of Mt Sion from 1999 to 2006 - a period when the Christian Brothers were aware of child abuse allegations against him. He was sentenced to more than 12 years jail in May for sex crimes committed against six boys at a Geelong orphanage in the 1960s.
Robert Charles Best, who lived at Parkville from the mid-1990s, is currently serving a 14-year, nine-month sentence for sex crimes against 11 boys in Melbourne, Ballarat and Geelong. It is understood he moved into the property after his first conviction in 1996.
Another member identified as an abuser by the Christian Brothers, Clim Kissane, is also believed to have lived at Mt Sion.
The Christian Brothers have repeatedly refused to release information about the number of offenders that have lived - or are currently living - at the Parkville property while the public were also attending events at the venue next door.
The religious order said one person who pleaded guilty to charges almost 20 years ago was a former resident and that "past offenders" who lived at Parkville were subject to "restrictions and monitoring designed to protect children". It refused to detail what this included.
A spokesman stressed that the conference and function facilities are "physically separate" from the "community residence".
"We accept that some may not agree with the decision to keep an individual who has offended within the congregation, however we would point out that monitoring can be undertaken in a way that is not possible were the person left to their own devices in the community," he said.
Hundreds of Christian Brothers have been accused of abusing children at Catholic schools and orphanages. Data tendered to the child abuse royal commission shows 853 people have claimed sexual abuse against one or more Christian Brothers, with the order paying out more than $37 million in compensation.
The Christian Brothers have historically supported paedophiles in their ranks financially and paid for their legal defences in court. The child abuse royal commission has heard it paid $1.5 million to defend Best over 15 years.
Brother Peter Clinch, leader of the Christian Brothers Oceania Province, told the commission last year its policy was not to remove brothers who had abused children from the order unless their crimes were committed after 2013.