Chief Rabbi urges Haredi teachers not to turn a blind eye to sexual abuse
By Omri Ariel
Jerusalem Online
August 7, 2016
Photo by Chaim Rivlin |
After six teachers at a Tel Aviv Hassidic school were indicted this week for abusing their students, Rabbi Benny Lau wrote in an open letter to educators that he was "disgusted" by the revelation and urged them not to keep such incidents a secret.
Amid allegations of sexual abuse made against six teachers at a Tel Aviv Hassidic school, Israel's Chief Rabbi Benny Lau published on Sunday an open letter to educators in the ultra-Orthodox community, urging them to keep their eyes open and to assist students who may be going through similar experiences.
"To hear that these places, which should have served as a stronghold and a safe haven to these children, became places of nightmare and fear, was extremely painful," Rabbi Lau wrote. "All of us – parents, teachers and everyone who takes part in the sacred work of education – must now keep our eyes open and assist as much as we can those who need us."
The ultra-Orthodox community has long been under scrutiny for tending to cover up cases of sexual assault occurring within its schools or homes. Often, even parents who find out about it refrain from involving the police for fear of being cast out or put to shame.
"Turning a blind eye is never an answer to such difficult issues," Rabbi Lau added. "Each of us must be aware that he or she carries responsibility, even if it doesn't involve them directly."
Last Tuesday, an indictment was filed against the six teachers for several sexually-based offences they committed over the years on 22 of their students.