New suit over predator priest
By Michael Dooling
August 7, 2016
Arthur Perrault in 1965. |
An 11-year-old Ken Wolter, who is among 36 people who have accused Arthur Perrault of sexual abuse, with the priest. |
When Rev. Arthur Perrault left St. Francis parish in Naugatuck in November 1965, he was sent to Via Coeli, a residential treatment facility run by the Servants of the Paraclete in Jemez Springs, New Mexico. The property still stands there today, although the treatment center, to which archdioceses nationwide referred pedophile priests from the 1950s to the 1990s, is closed. |
Cleric who served in Naugatuck named
Suggestions of allegations of sexual abuse by a Naugatuck priest 50 years ago surfaced Thursday in the latest lawsuit filed against him in New Mexico, his home for decades until he fled the country to avoid legal action against him.
Arthur J. Perrault, the priest who served Naugatuck's St. Francis Church in 1965, has been named in another lawsuit filed in the Second Judicial District Court in Albuquerque, New Mexico.