| Dame Lowell Goddard Resigns As Head of Independent Child Sex Abuse Inquiry
The Express
August 4, 2016
Dame Lowell Goddard
The 67-year-old New Zealand high court judge was appointed to lead the inquiry following the resignation of two previous chairwomen.
But she faced heavy criticism today when it emerged she had spent three months of this year wither on leave or working abroad.
Dame Elizabeth Butler-Sloss
Mrs Rudd said: "I can confirm that Dame Lowell Goddard wrote to me today to offer her resignation as chair of the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse and I have accepted.
"I want to assure everyone with an interest in the inquiry, particularly victims and survivors, that the work of the inquiry will continue without delay and a new chair will be appointed.
"I would like to thank Dame Lowell Goddard for the contribution she has made in setting up the inquiry so that it may continue to go about its vital work."
The inquiry was set up in 2014 by the then Home Secretary Theresa May amid claims of an establishment cover-up following allegations that a paedophile ring operated in Westminster in the 1980s.
Dame Fiona Woolf
The latest resignation comes after it was revealed that she had spent more than 70 days working abroad or on holiday during her time in charge.
An inquiry spokesman said she had spent 44 working days in New Zealand and Australia on inquiry business in the first financial year of the inquiry and that she is entitled to 30 days' annual leave.
The inquiry has been beset by delays and controversies since it was first announced by the then home secretary Theresa May.
Baroness Butler-Sloss stood down in July 2014 amid questions over the role played by her late brother, Lord Havers, who was attorney general in the 1980s.
Dame Lowell Goddard
Her replacement Dame Fiona Woolf resigned following a barrage of criticism over her "establishment links", most notably in relation to former home secretary Leon Brittan, who died in 2015.
Mrs May officially reconstituted the probe under Dame Lowell in March 2015 and placed it on a statutory footing, meaning it has the power to compel witnesses to give evidence.
The inquiry's terms of reference say that its purpose includes considering "the extent to which state and non-state institutions have failed in their duty of care to protect children from sexual abuse and exploitation".