Archbishop Diarmuid Martin not sending trainee priests to Maynooth after scandal
By Barry Arnold
August 1, 2016
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin |
Three students will instead be sent to the Irish college in Rome
Archbishop of Dublin Diarmuid Martin will be sending trainee priests to study at the National Seminary in Maynooth this Autumn.
Instead, three students will be sent to the Irish college in Rome, reports the Irish Independent.
The decision comes after it was reported that some seminarians have, until recently, been using the gay dating app Grindr.
The Archbishop has denied that his decision is linked to the scandal, stating "I have my own reasons for doing this".
But he added that he had made his decision "some months ago".
There are around 60 resident seminarians studying in Maynooth, all at various stages in their training.
The Archbishop is a trustee of Maynooth, along with three other Catholic archbishops and a number of bishops.
There is growing unease at Maynooth amid accusations of inappropriate behavior among some of the seminarians.
Maynooth has insisted that robust procedures are in place to deal with such complaints.
The suggestion that a gay subculture exists in Maynooth first came to light in May after an anonymous letter claimed seminarians and staff members were using the dating app.
Archbishop Martin acknowledged that the number of seminarians in Dublin, he said: "What is more important to me is the quality of the men who come forward and the training they receive."