| There Is One Point Where the Pell Cheerleaders Are Right
By John Silvester
Sydney Morning Herald
July 29, 2016
Is there a more polarising figure in Australia than Cardinal George Pell?
His clipped speech, at times imperious language, and senior position in a church that failed lamentably to deal with paedophiles in its own ranks has left him detested by many.
Cardinal George Pell has denied all of the allegations.
But that is a long way from declaring him a criminal, a predator and child molester.
Pell is the subject of a police investigation that he sexually assaulted young boys at the Ballarat public swimming pool in the 1970s.
Earlier this week two complainants told their story to the ABC and the response has been explosive.
From Rome Pell has denied all allegations but went further claiming he was a victim of a conspiracy by the ABC and the Victoria Police to destroy his reputation.
And the role of the Office of Public Prosecutions, assigned to review the police brief of evidence, has also been questioned. First let's look at the process that is used in historic sexual abuse cases.
Police have set up a taskforce named Sano to look at matters raised in the Royal Commission into institutional child sex abuse and it has taken charge of the Pell case.
The difficulty is to try and corroborate allegations about events that happened decades ago. Witnesses are hard to find and their memories may be unreliable due to the passage of time. And there will be no forensic evidence to independently support the claims.
Too much has been made of the role of the OPP in the matter. It is usual for a brief to go to the specialist prosecutors for an opinion and that is exactly what has happened in the Pell case.
The lawyers may decide there is no case and the matter is closed, there is evidence but police need to fix holes in the case or there is enough to justify charges.
If it is the latter, then - and only then - will the suspect be questioned.
In the Pell case, too many are trying to find a villain. So Pell is a monster, or if he is not the victims are lying, the police are leaking and the ABC is trying to damage Pell because he is a senior figure in the Catholic Church.
First the most important claim is that Pell indecently handled two boys in the pool while throwing them around in a swimming pool game.
It is, of course, possible the victims believe the contact was deliberate while the accused might say if it happened it was accidental. It is entirely possible both sides are telling the truth.
Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton has said it is possible police will fly to Rome to interview Pell.
While no decision has been made in this case, if it does happen then Pell is the victim of his public profile. If the same allegations were made against an average citizen police would not fly across the globe on a case which is at the minor level of offending.
Then there is the claim police leaked the case. There is simply no proof of that as the alleged victims are given copies of their police statements that they could provide to the ABC for the story.
And then there is the suggestion the "left wing" ABC is hunting Pell because he is a senior Catholic. Those peddling this nonsense conveniently omit the fact that the Herald Sun broke the story of the police investigation months earlier.
There is one point where the Pell cheerleaders are right - he is entitled to the presumption of innocence.