LNP to remove time limit on sex abuse claims
Sky News
July 24, 2016
Child sexual abuse survivors will be able to seek damages from their abusers at any time if Queensland's LNP is restored to government.
Queensland's Liberal National opposition has promised to remove the three-year limit on lodging civil claims against alleged abusers if they are elected.
Opposition leader Tim Nicholls said the current three-year limit from a survivor's 18th birthday denied them the opportunity to claim damages and seek justice.
'We want to empower child sex abuse survivors to seek the justice they deserve, no matter how long ago the alleged offence occurred,' Mr Nicholls said.
'Many survivors find it too difficult to deal with the trauma involved in seeking justice for their abuse until well into their adulthood and it is unfair to deny them justice in these circumstances,' he said.
The removal of the limit has been recommended by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sex Abuse.
Shadow Attorney-General Ian Walker said the LNP would seek to introduce legislation into Queensland Parliament within the first 120 days of government.
'We want to help survivors as soon as possible, but it's also important we get these laws right, so the LNP would consult with a wide range of stakeholders in drafting the legislation, from the legal industry to survivor support groups,' Mr Walker said.
'Clearly, the Court retains its jurisdiction in determining the merits of each case, but our move will ensure survivors who are willing to come forward and speak out do so in their own time.'