Troubled Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry costs rise to £1.8m
By Angus Howarth
July 16, 2016
Susan OBrien QC quit as head of the inquiry this month. |
The Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry has cost £1.8 million since launching last year, latest figures reveal.
At present the inquiry awaits the appointment of a new chair and panel member. The inquiry into the historical abuse of children in care is expected to last four years.
Independent expert Professor Michael Lamb, a professor of psychology at Cambridge University, resigned from his position claiming the inquiry is “doomed” due to Scottish Government interference.
And Susan O’Brien QC quit as chair earlier this month, saying the government had “sought to micro-manage and control the inquiry,” and had threatened to sack her when she resisted.
A statement posted on the inquiry website along with the lastest figures said: “Scottish Ministers are in the process of appointing a new chair and panel member for the Inquiry. Meanwhile, the important work of the inquiry continues as it seeks to fulfil the requirements outlined in its terms of reference.”
Spending has risen by £687,044 to £1,800,861 since March this year when the inquiry launched a
formal call for evidence from people who have been abused. So far the inquiry has been in contact with around 170 survivors of abuse.