Troubled child abuse inquiry has cost £1.8m
By Stephen Naysmith
Herald Scotland
July 15, 2016
Child abuse victims have called for a judge to replace chair Susan O'Brien QC, who quit the inquiry |
The troubled Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry has cost £1,800,000 since launching last year, latest figures reveal. The shocking statistic comes as the inquiry awaits the appointment of a new chair and panel member.
QC Susan O’Brien quit as chair earlier this month, days after fellow panel member Professor Michael Lamb, with both citing excessive government interference in the inquiry's work.
The inquiry released the updated figures, along with a statement insisting the inquiry was continuing its work to investigate the abuse of children in care settings, despite the loss of two of its three person panel.
It said: "Scottish Ministers are in the process of appointing a new Chair and panel member for the Inquiry. Meanwhile, the important work of the Inquiry continues as it seeks to fulfil the requirements outlined in its Terms of Reference."
Spending has risen by £687,044 to £1,800,861 since March, when the inquiry launched a call for evidence, the statement from the inquiry said. "since then, the Inquiry has been in contact with around 170 survivors of abuse. Private sessions with these survivors have started.
"Two survivor groups - INCAS (In Care Abuse Survivors) and FBGA (Former Boys and Girls Abused of Quarriers Homes) - have applied for core participant status and for funding for legal representation. Their applications have been granted."
The statement said discussions have also been held with a range of organisations including Police Scotland, local authorities and health boards about the preservation and recovery of relevant records, and the Inquiry will start requesting documents in the coming months.
In her letter of resignation, Susan O'Brien attacked ministers and civil servants for excessive interference in the inquiry's work. However it was also revealed deputy first minister John Swinney had begun steps to have her removed, allegedly over comments she had made disparaging survivors. Mr Swinney said at the time he had a duty to ensure costs to the public purse were under control.