Perry Noble fired from NewSpring Church, alcohol issue confirmed as reason by Pastor Shane Duffey
By Suzette Gutierrez Cachila
Christian Times
July 11, 2016
Screengrab from a video of Pastor Perry Noble preaching about marriage at NewSpring Church, May 10, 2016. |
NewSpring Church confirmed on Sunday, July 10 that its founder Perry Noble was fired over an alcohol issue that has "gotten out of hand."
Executive Shane Duffey announced the news to the congregation during the 9:15 a.m. service. He said Noble was fired for making "unfortunate choices and decisions," the most pressing of which is his increasing dependence on alcohol.
He also mentioned problems regarding Noble's marriage and "other behaviors."
Duffey said it was the "most difficult and painful decision" the church leadership has ever made.
Here is NewSpring Church's full official statement regarding the issue as delivered by Duffey:
"Through much prayer and with a heavy heart, we have important information to share with you regarding our pastor, Perry Noble. As of Friday, July 1, and in accordance with the governing bylaws, the Board of Directors and the Pastor Advisory Team have removed Perry as Senior Pastor of NewSpring Church. While this is the most difficult and painful decision we have had to make, unfortunately it was necessary.
Perry has made some unfortunate choices and decisions that have caused us much concern. Over the course of several months our Executive Pastors met with and discussed at length with Perry these concerns regarding his personal behavior and spiritual walk.
Perry's posture towards his marriage, increased reliance on alcohol and other behaviors, were of continual concern. Due to this, the Executive Pastors confronted Perry and went through the steps of dealing with sin in the church as outlined in Matthew 18.
Because Perry chose not to properly address these ongoing issues and didn't take the necessary steps toward correcting them, he is no longer qualified, as outlined in 1 Timothy 3 and the church's bylaws, to continue as a pastor at NewSpring Church.
We will continue to love Perry and his family during this difficult time and we are committed to continue to pray for their healing. We are also committed to providing personal support to Perry and his family in the days ahead.
Though we know you may want more details to satisfy your curiosity, to do so would not be helpful to Perry or his family as they take their next steps.
Our faith remains strong, rooted in the power and promises of Jesus Christ. The Gospel gives us hope that Perry and his family can experience healing. This same Gospel also gives us confidence that NewSpring will continue to make a difference in our state.
In the coming weeks, we ask that you join us as a church family in continual prayer for Perry, his family, and our church. The best is still yet to come."
Duffey also read to the congregation a message from the former senior pastor, who admitted his wrongdoing.
"I come to you with a heavy heart to let you know that effective Friday, July 1, I will no longer be the senior pastor of NewSpring Church," Noble said in the letter.
He said his desire to see the church grow and reach more people with the gospel has "come at a personal cost" that has affected his life and his marriage.
"What we've seen the Lord do over the past 16 years has been a modern day miracle. However, in my obsession to do everything possible to reach 100,000 and beyond – it has come at a personal cost in my own life and created a strain on my marriage," Noble said.
He also said that over the years, he has allowed himself to "slide into" a dependence on alcohol.
"In my opinion, the bible does not prohibit the use of alcohol, but it does prohibit drunkenness and intoxication. I never had a problem drinking alcohol socially, but in the past year or so I have allowed myself to slide into, in my opinion, the overuse of alcohol," Noble admitted.
"This was a spiritual and moral mistake on my part as I began to depend on alcohol for my refuge instead of Jesus and others. I have no excuse – this was wrong, sinful and I am truly sorry," he added.
He acknowledged that he cannot continue serving God while this issue remains undealt with.
"I realize that I cannot continue to do effective ministry if this issue in my personal life is not adequately addressed," he said.
Noble said he is now under the care of a psychiatrist. He said he plans to receive counsel from "some amazing men and women of God."
Noble also clarified that rumors regarding domestic abuse are not true.
"Let me be very clear, neither Lucretia nor I have committed any sort of sexual sin. I have not stolen money. I have not been looking at porn and there was absolutely no domestic abuse. This is the story—period. I simply need to address an issue that has gotten out of hand in my life," he said.
He said he received the church leadership's decision as coming from the Lord and asked the church to forgive him.
Noble also said he is uncertain of what the future holds for him, but he is sure of one thing.
"The ONE THING I know I am going to put 100% of my time and effort into is becoming the best husband and father I can become," he said, and asked the church to pray for him and his family.
"I love you – and I always will! I'm really sorry and ask you to forgive me," he said in closing.
Pastor Clayton King will serve as NewSpring Church's interim senior pastor. The megachurch has a weekly attendance of more than 30,000 spread across multiple campuses in South Carolina.