Girl, 13, with the mental capacity of a three-year-old returned home with an injured rectum after she was 'abused by the supervisor of cottage for disabled children'
By Rachel Eddie
Daily Mail
July 11, 2016
The Mater Dei School in Camden, south-west Sydney, where a 13-year-old intellectually disabled girl was allegedly assaulted by a supervisor in 1991 |
The girl was rushed to hospital when she began haemorrhaging badly from her rectum while sitting on the toilet in May 1991. The initial medical assessment said the condition was caused by assault (stock image of young teen girl) |
An intellectually disabled girl, 13, who had the mental capacity of a three to five-year-old, was allegedly abused by her live-in cottage supervisor who then fled the country, an inquiry has heard.
After attending Camden's Catholic Mater Dei School in south-west Sydney for about six-months, the girl's mother noticed a change in her daughter when she picked her up from the weekday live-in college on Fridays.
The girl was rushed to hospital when she began haemorrhaging badly from her rectum while sitting on the toilet in May 1991. The initial medical assessment said the condition was caused by assault.
The mother, now 69, said she made complaints about a cottage supervisor to police, community services and the school, but the alleged abuser resigned and fled to England in July that year.
He worked as a 'houseparent' at Mater Dei, where he cooked, washed, cleaned and took care of the children, Daily Telegraph reported.
The mother told the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Sydney on Monday that she was frustrated by the inadequate investigation.
'From my perspective Mater Dei acted as if it never happened,' the mother told the inquiry, according to ABC.
'I'm really upset and can't stand that [supervisor] is still out there and could be assaulting other children.'
She said the legal system was not adequately responding to the vulnerabilities of those with intellectual disabilities.
'They [abusers] know a disabled child may not be able to communicate and report this abuse as easily as others can.'
The mother said it took the school nuns more than six years to respond to her complaint when she rang a police hotline in 1997.
The inquiry heard from Sonia Wagner, the former superior of the Sisters of Good Samaritan of the Order of St Benedict.
She said she visited the family when she was asked to follow up the complaint made by police to the Catholic Education Commission in October 1997.
She said meeting with the mother and daughter was purely to offer pastoral care.
The mother said she was perplexed by the nuns' visit and declined to sign documents they sent to her.
In reply to Gail Furness, counsel advising the commission, Sister Wagner said she supposed the documents were to validate the details of the visit were accurate.
Ms Furness then responded: 'Why would you need that if you are offering pastoral care?'
'Point taken,' Sister Wagner said, adding she was unaware at the time the mother hadn't been told police investigations had stopped.
She said she believed in hindsight the congregation should have handled things differently and made a more strenuous effort to avoid the time delay in responding to the complaint.
Sister Wagner told the inquiry they had more awareness about sex abuse since Towards Healing was introduced in the church in 1996 as an internal process for dealing with allegations.
Sister Wagner was superior of the congregation from 1993 to 2005 and is now the bishop's assistant for pastoral ministry in the diocese of Port Pirie.
The commission is investigating the alleged historic sex abuse of four disabled children at the school.