Chile Olympic Runner Reveals Sexual Abuse, Wins Broad Support
July 4, 2016
According to a 2012 Unicef report, 3 out of 4 rape victims under 15 years in Chile old are girls. |
[with video]
Chile's feminist organizations spoke out Sunday against sexist violence, following revelations by a national marathoner, due to run in the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio, that she suffered from systematic sexual abuse from her stepfather for 12 years.
“We deeply value the courage of Erika (Olivera) to break silence after so many years of hardship and suffering,” said the Movement for Sexual and Reproductive Rights in a communique.
Olivera, mother of 5, filed a complaint against her stepfather, Ricardo Olivera, on June 23 accusing him of sexual abuse from when she was five until 17 years old. In an interview issued Saturday by daily El Mercurio, the marathoner said that the abuses only stopped when she could defend herself against her stepfather, an Argentine evangelical pastor. In many occasions she thought about killing herself or killing him, she added.
Her story reflects the reality of many Chilean women, highlighting the importance of reporting such violations to the police even though victims of rape are usually not taken seriously or even disrespected, deplored Miles' President Claudia Dides.
In a country where the catholic church retains a strong influence, the recognition of rape victims has a long way to go. President Michelle Bachelet found it difficult to keep one of her 2012 electoral promises to pass a bill legalizing abortion in three cases: if the woman's life is at risk, if the fetus is unviable or if the pregnancy was the product of rape. In March, representatives of the lower chamber finally approved the bill, which is now being debated in the senate.
The abortion reform stalled in congress for over a year because of the opposition of Bachelet's coalition partners from the Christian Democratic Party who continue to refuse to decriminalize rape victims who seek abortions.
The Center to Support Victims of Sexual Abuse, a governmental agency, estimates that there are about 20,000 cases of sexual abuse in Chile each year, with many of the victims children under the age of 11. The Center also states that only 10 percent of cases are ever brought to court.