| Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
July 4, 2016
Susan O’Brien QC has today written to Scottish Ministers resigning her position as Chair of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry. While this is clearly a significant change, the important work of the Inquiry continues. The Inquiry has been, and continues to be, independent of the Scottish Government. The senior team of the Inquiry remains unchanged. Panel member Glenn Houston has indicated that he would like to continue in post. All evidence heard by the Inquiry to date remains important and relevant, is being held securely by the Inquiry and remains confidential. Importantly, none of this evidence will have to be repeated. The Inquiry continues to take evidence from survivors of abuse at private sessions across Scotland and beyond. We do not anticipate that there will be any delay in these sessions taking place. We are about to start the process of obtaining documents from organisations with information relevant to the Inquiry. The website will be updated regularly with information about our work and news. If anyone has any questions, please contact our Witness Support team: by phone on 0800 092 9300, by email to talktous@childabuseinquiry.scot or by post to PO Box 24085, Edinburgh, EH7 9EA. For media queries, please contact 3x1: by phone on 0131 225 7700 or 0141 221 0707, by email to SCAI@3x1.com