In July 2014 the Home Secretary, Theresa May set up an Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA), to examine how the country's institutions handled their duty of care to protect children from sexual abuse.
The IICSA has launched 13 investigations into a broad range of institutions, one of which is the Roman Catholic Church.
In June last year the Inquiry wrote to all Religious Organisations.
A preliminary hearing in relation to this investigation will be held on 28 July.
Terms of Reference of the Inquiry
The terms of reference of the Inquiry are broad, and are as follows:
To consider the extent to which State and non State institutions have failed in their duty of care to protect children from sexual abuse and exploitation; to consider the extent to which those failings have since been addressed; to identify further action needed to address any failings identified; to consider the steps which it is necessary for the State and non State Institutions to take in order to protect children from such abuse in future; and to publish a report with recommendations
In meeting these terms of reference, the Inquiry will, amongst other things, consider all information which is available in relation to published, and unpublished reviews, cases and investigations which have been concluded.
The Inquiry will look at the child protection measures that were in place at the time, the response of the relevant institution to any allegations made, and what changes, if any have been made to the child protection measures as a consequence of this.
In carrying out its duties, Inquiry is entitled to seek disclosure from any organisation that falls within its terms of reference
What should you do?
It is critical for the reputation of your organisation that it complies, in so far as it can, with any request made of it by the Inquiry, within any timescales identified.
You should therefore be in a position to act quickly should any request be made of your organisation.
This will include, amongst other things:
- A review of historical cases
- Review of any on-going cases
- Review of historic and current safeguarding practices that were, and are now, in place
Time scales for responding to any request for information are likely to be short and it therefore critical that you are in a position to respond swiftly.