Jehovah’s Witnesses and Tax Deductible Crime
By William H Bowen
News Hub
June 25, 2016
This summer over eight million Jehovah’s Witnesses will attend their conventions to be informed this just might be the last meeting they will attend. You see, they have a version of the zombie apocalypse called the “ Great Tribulation” in which members are taught the police and local authorities are going to be taken over by Satan to attack JW men, rape JW women, and kill JW children. Members are told to prepare a go-bag with survival materials so they on a moments notice can flee to bunkers till God delivers them. This message is somewhat consistent as it is the same one that has been told for over one hundred years. Each year members believe this is the very last time they will have a summer convention and they go home in a form of mental hysteria to discard material possessions and simplify their lives so they can sell more books for one of the wealthiest per capita tax deductible publishing corporations in the world.
The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society produces over one billion pieces of literature each year and by declaring they are a religion can use slave labor to sell their books and pay not one dime in taxes. They go one step further by each year giving all members a piece of paper to write down the exact amount of donations they are willing to provide each month to keep God’s work moving forward. Each congregation is required to send in a specified donation each month or they will be disbanded.
What do all these tax-free donations buy? Billions in property around the world, first class facilities for upper management, and finances tax-free criminal activity. Now the first two are typical with most religions but the last one is what you and I as taxpayers are unknowingly supporting and Jehovah’s Witnesses are knowingly doing. Allow me to explain;
I served as an active member of JWs for forty-three years as a third generation member. As an elder, I discovered a horrific policy of the religion requiring that a molested child be required to supply two eye-witnesses before they could be believed. Child molesters in 99.9% of molestations never have eyewitnesses to their crime. This allows pedophiles a perfect place to freely molest children and have the protection of an entire support structure to see they never go to jail. I was contacted by over 10,000 victims of this insidious policy, all done in the name of God and protected by the first amendment of the US Constitution. I was able to expose this publicly and even get them to publicize their so-called “ Child Protection Policy” that ultimately resulted in the first lawsuits being filed for putting children in danger. Within the last twenty years, it is estimated Jehovah’s Witnesses have paid out over fifty million dollars to victims of their “Child Protection” policies. That fifty million pales in comparison to the millions and millions they have spent to law firms and in the courts to try and see victims never get a dime for the criminal activity of pedophiles they supported. They have unlimited money to spend as a tax-deductible religion that collects billions in donations. This week the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society was ordered to pay a $4,000 per day fine for refusing to produce documents that would incriminate the organization as a pedophile paradise. They have refused to produce these documents after repeated attempts for almost two years. Millions of dollars in legal fees have been racked up using Worldwide Work donated funds to try and prevent the extent of their criminal activities from being exposed to the superior authorities. At the summer conventions, members are told the governments are controlled by Satan and cannot be trusted. They are told the courts are being used as agents of Satan to stop the preaching of the good news (book sales). Members believe that God is being attacked and they must defend Him by digging down deeper in their pockets to give even more money to defend his organization.
The reality is this; the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses are criminals hiding behind a tax-free corporation to sanction the rape of kids. They use the US Constitution and say it is their freedom to practice their religion and as the direct channel of God they say a child that is abused needs two eyewitnesses to be believed. Every time a donation is made to Jehovah’s Witnesses a few pennies of each dollar goes to defend a pedophile and give them the opportunity to molest more children. Sadly since this is tax deductible every tax payer in the USA is actually contributing to this fund.
So there you have it, the crime of raping children financed by the American taxpayer. This month $120,000 dollars in fines will be paid by Jehovah’s Witnesses to protect their child molesters. If it continues for a year, $1,460,000 will be spent in tax-free donations to protect Jehovah’s Witness pedophiles. Yet each summer convention rakes in around $500,000 in donations and with over one hundred conventions this year for them it is just pocket change. The mafia could learn a thing or two from Jehovah’s Witnesses. You see they have figured out how to finance protecting child abusers and promoting the crime of child rape with tax-free donations. Until the public and the governments are outraged enough to stop this practice it will continue as it has the last twenty years. Take away their tax exemption so we no longer are financing their crimes. Force them to pay and obey the laws that we all are required to do.
Stop this religion from hurting more kids.