| Archbishop Hon Appoints Point of Contact for Sex Abuse Victims
By Janela Carrera
Pacific News Center
June 23, 2016
Archbishop Hon also created four new ad hoc committees in his continuing efforts of "promoting unity."
Guam - Archbishop Savio Hon Tai Fai is making some major changes within the archdiocese. This morning he issued a protocol for shuffling around of clergy and priests and he also appointed a new spokesperson and a new point of contact for sex abuse victims.
Another major move from the new apostolic administrator of the archdiocese Archbishop Savio Hon Tai Fai—it appears now he’s looking to implement some major changes in the leadership roles within the church. Today, he issued Protocol Number 2016-009 in which he appointed a new spokesperson, Msgr. Bibi Arroyo, as well as a new point-of-contact for sex abuse victims, Father Patrick Castro, who currently heads the St. Fidelis Friary.
Archbishop Hon also created four ad hoc committees for developing strategies. The four are Scenario of the Archdiocese, which will develop a scenario of what the situation should be once the new archbishop’s mandate is fulfilled. The second is Ongoing Formation which is to draw up a plan for formation of clergy members. Next is Proposal for Repositioning of Priests which focuses on a shuffling of leadership roles and priests that would quote result in a more unified Archdiocese. The final ad hoc committee will be Seminary Visitation which is to get more information on all the major seminaries on Guam.
The members appointed to these new committees are:
For scenario of situation: Fr. Adrian Cristobal (chairperson), Msgr. Arroyo, Father Jeffrey San Nicolas, Msgr. David C. Quitugua and Father Patric Castro.
For ongoing formation, Father Mike Crisostomo (chairperson), Father Lito Abad, Msgr. David I. A. Quitugua, Father Joe English and Father Gus Gumataotao.
For the proposal of repositioning of priests, there’s Father Lito Abad (chairperson), Msgr. Arroyo, Msgr. David I. A. Quitugua, Father Patrick Castro, Father Tom McGrath, Father Alberto Rodriguez, Msgr. David C. Quitugua and Father Mike Crisostomo.
For seminary visitation: Father Jeffrey San Nicolas (chairperson), Father Romeo Convocar, Father Julio Cesar Sanchez, Father Patrick Castro and Father Tom McGrath.
In terms of the sex abuse scandal facing the church, although a new priest has been appointed as the point of contact and support person for sexual abuse victims, there is no mention of what will happen to the sex abuse response coordinator position.
The current SARC is Deacon Larry Claros who has not responded to any media inquiries regarding the four allegations of abuse made against Archbishop Anthony Apuron.
We spoke with Father Patrick Castro who tells us that he just received Archbishop Hon’s protocol today and details about his new position are still being worked out. He says he’s still waiting to receive directives from Archbishop Hon.
The letter is addressed to priests and deacons of the archdiocese and Archbishop Hon says his priority is to promote unity within the church.
You can read the protocol by clicking on the file below.