FNQ Catholic schools show support for abuse victims with loud fences
By Kimberley Vlasic
Cairns Post
June 18, 2016
St Monica’s Year 7 students Monique Prior, Charlotte Austin and Brooke Crockett add a ribbon each to the fence along with their classmates as part of the Loud Fence movement. Photo by STEWART McLEAN |
FENCES across the Far North are being adorned with brightly coloured ribbons as Catholic schoolchildren show their support for the victims and survivors of child sexual abuse.
Mount St Bernard College at Herberton and Cairns’ St Monica’s College and St Andrew’s Catholic College are among schools participating in the Loud Fence movement.
It started in May last year when residents were invited to tie ribbons to the front fence of St Alipius Parish School in Ballarat, Victoria, where a Royal Commission uncovered a history of child sexual abuse.
St Monica’s Assistant Principal of Religious Education Adrien Innes said the school’s 660 students had responded very positively to the Catholic Education initiative.
“Even students on block exams have come in to tie a ribbon on the fence,” she said.
“Kids hear so much in the media about it; it’s a way for them to be actively involved and show their support for victims and their loved ones.”
Ribbons will remain on St Monica’s fence on Abbott St until Wednesday and residents are invited to add their own.