| Accusers" Lawyer Renews Call for Church Investigation Details
By Haidee V Eugenio
Pacific Daily News
June 17, 2016
Frances Sondia, left, and husband Roland Sondia, stand behind attorney David Lujan during a press conference outside the Cathedral Pastoral Center in Hagatna on June 15. Lujan is pressing for answers to questions he's raised with the Guam Catholic church about if or how it could conduct an impartial investigation of allegations of child molestation against Archbishop Anthony Apuron.
For the second time in two weeks, the attorney for at least three of Archbishop Anthony Apuron’s accusers is pressing the Guam Catholic church for answers related to its ability to conduct an impartial investigation into multiple child molestation allegations against Apuron.
Attorney David J. Lujan informed the local Catholic Church’s sexual assault response coordinator Deacon Larry Claros that he now also represents Walter Denton and Doris Concepcion, mother of Joseph “Sonny” Quinata, in addition to Roy Quintanilla.
Claros leads a group in the local Catholic Church charged with reviewing sexual abuse allegations involving the clergy and other church officials and personnel.
Lujan’s June 13 letter was sent two days prior to the public accusation against Apuron by a fourth individual, Roland Sondia.
Claros and the Archdiocese of Agana were sought for comment on Lujan’s letter, but hadn’t commented as of early Thursday evening.
When allegations against Apuron came out in recent weeks, the archbishop and his representatives threatened to sue individuals they said were spreading malicious and calumnious lies. Thus far, no lawsuit has been filed or has become publicly known.
Answers sought
Lujan’s second letter is a follow-up to a June 2 letter, which he said now applies to all three of his clients.
He asked who the church’s investigator is, the complainant support person and the support services that the archdiocese can provide at its own expense. Lujan also questioned whether the church can make a fair investigation when the archbishop’s representatives, on different occasions, called his clients liars in press releases.
“How in heaven’s name do you plan to investigate, or begin the investigation of, this very serious allegation after my client’s claim has been pre-empted by these press releases (characterizing in part my client’s claim as vicious, calumnious and malicious) issued at the direction of your own boss? It seems nonsensical and hypocritical under these conditions to do so,” Lujan wrote.
The attorney said since his June 2 letter, Concepcion came forward accusing Apuron of molesting her son. Lujan said Apuron and his representatives called Concepcion a liar and threatened her with legal action.
Denton also came forward, accusing Apuron of raping him when he was a 13-year-old altar boy at the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Agat in the 1970s.
“There has been no response to date from the archdiocese to the latest allegation, simply silence — which is even more deafening,” Lujan said.
Lujan said with the appointment of an apostolic administrator since his letter, “perhaps (Claros) may now be able to answer my queries, although I understand that the alleged perpetrator, Anthony S. Apuron, is still the Archbishop of Agana. Thus, as far as I am concerned, nothing has changed.”
Pope Francis appointed Archbishop Savio Hon Tai Fai to temporarily oversee the administration of the Catholic Church in Guam, but Apuron remains as archbishop of the Archdiocese of Agana.
‘Patience and trust’
Hon, in a statement on Tuesday, asked Guam people’s “patience and trust” as consultation, reflection and promotion of unity, harmony and stability continue amid allegations of clergy sexual abuse and other allegations.
“It has been just seven days since I arrived on Guam Wednesday, June 8,” Hon said.
He also thanked the clergy, religious and lay faithful of Guam for their “openness, trust, and prayers” as he carries out the duties Pope Francis has entrusted him as the apostolic administrator “sede plena” of the Archdiocese of Agana effective June 6, 2016.
Hon said during the past week, he has met with various archdiocesan councils and individually with many priests. He’s also visited a few parishes and celebrated Mass with the people, including a vigil service on Saturday evening and Sunday Mass at the Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral-Basilica in Hagatna.
To the Holy See
Hours after Sondia publicly accuse Apuron of sex abuse on Wednesday morning, Hon issued a statement addressing the allegation.
“The Archdiocese of Agana, taking into serious consideration the allegations presented to the public this morning, will take necessary steps to present the matter to the Holy See, which has final authority in cases related to bishops,” Hon said in the statement. “In the mean time, I am earnestly praying for all those concerned in this matter, without prejudice to both the alleged victim and the accused and ask for the prayers and support of the entire church community.”