Miguel Paz: Attention on Catholic church abuse cases seems unbalanced
By Miguel Paz
June 8, 2016
Elizabeth Nida Obert |
Let me begin by saying I detest all forms of abuse against another human being, especially a child.
Throughout the past several years we have heard plenty about the abuse scandals within the Catholic church, and I am terribly upset by what has happened. These priests will be held accountable by a higher judge than us, for Christ said in Matthew 26:24, "Woe to the man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed. It would be better for that man if he had never been born."
Did not these men betray their calling?
Why does the Catholic church get so much attention from lawyers and the media, when child abuse is just as prevalent in many other institutions? Because the Catholic Church is an easy target. What other institution is willing to settle cases from decades ago and is willing to work with investigators? The church wants to right its wrongs.
People say that the Catholic church didn't handle things properly. The fact is that, like society in general during the 1960s and '70s, the church followed the prevailing view at the time that sex offenders could be treated and rehabilitated.
Why don't we see lawyers suing cities and states that released sex offenders back into the community only to have them abuse people again? There are other people that have suffered abuse at the hands of religious leaders from other denominations. Why don't we see ads in the paper asking, "Have you been abused by a Baptist, Lutheran, Hindu, or Jewish leader?"
It wasn't until 1996 that Megan's Law was enacted, requiring public notification and information about sexual offenders being released and where they would be living. Before then offenders were treated and released into the public without notification.
More than half of the abuse accusations against the Catholic church concern priests who are now dead. Rather than focus attention on a group of dead guys, why doesn't the media focus on the thousands of children throughout the world who are abused each day?
Why does the United States trade with countries that deal in human trafficking and all forms of child abuse? According to EDsource.org, sexual abuse in U.S. public schools is widespread and is happening now. Terri Miller, president of the advocacy group Stop Educator Sexual Abuse Misconduct and Exploitation, says school systems let child predators quietly resign and move to other districts. Where's the media coverage?
Due to its zero-tolerance policy and many reforms and training programs, the Catholic church today provides a safe environment for children and adults. The church is also one of the few institutions that is fighting human trafficking and child abuse in Southeast Asia, Latin America and Africa.