Religious groups block child abuse bill

June 06, 2016

Under the current state law, people who have been sexually abused cannot file charges or sue after they turn 23. This bill would change that if passed. 

Several religious groups oppose state legislation that would allow people who were sexually abused as children to file a lawsuit after age 23. Republican lawmakers in Albany have blocked the bill.

The Catholic Church as well as other religious groups (including some members of the Orthodox Jewish community) are against the bill, claiming that if it is passed it would put these religious groups in financial jeopardy and open a flood of lawsuits.

The Executive Director at Bivona Child Advocacy Center says this legislation needs to pass. “Most kids who have been sexually abused don't tell until they are an adult, so if they're 27 and want to disclose what happened to them when they were 13 and do something about that, they would have no recourse because the statute of limitations has expired," says Mary Whittier. 

The bill has been blocked in the Senate but has support in the assembly. There are 10 days left in the session to pass this bill.  Those fighting for the bill to be passed are hoping Governor Cuomo gets involved. They're calling on him to support the proposal and work to pass a last minute plan to change this law.


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