| Diocese, Abbey Must Be Held Accountable
St. Cloud Times
June 6, 2016
Bishop Donald J. Kettler
With the closing of a temporary three-year window that lifted the statute of limitations on allegations of sexual abuse of minors in Minnesota, a sorry set of statistics has emerged:
Seventy-four claims were made against the Diocese of St. Cloud for clergy sex abuse of minors during the window.
Claims were made against 31 members of the clergy who had served in the diocese.
Of 131 parishes in the diocese, 30 were named in the claims.
Eleven clergy members named in the lawsuits weren't on a list of "clergy identified" released by the diocese in 2014.
Tragic. Sad.
The state Legislature made a good decision by opening the three-year window to file claims. While there is no way to repair completely the damage suffered by victims of abuse by clergy, it may give them some comfort.
The diocese has said none of the clergy named in the claims are currently in parish ministry.
When the alleged abuse may have occurred, the information should have been turned over to law enforcement. If there was enough evidence, charges should have been brought against the accused clergy members.
Whether it was covered up by officials at the time or never reported by the young victims because they were afraid, those clergy members should have been held accountable just as any other person accused of sex abuse against children.
These claims have to be thoroughly investigated. The cost to the diocese may be staggering. In a letter to parishioners from Bishop Donald Kettler, is the following: "Among the first things attorneys will do is identify any insurance coverage that could go toward resolution of the lawsuits."
The letter also states "we do not expect these lawsuits will affect parish or Catholic school operations."
That may be true from a financial standpoint. But the impact of these claims will be felt in people's trust and confidence in the Catholic clergy. While many of these claims are related to abuse alleged to have happened many years ago, church leaders have to be transparent in dealing with any abuse reports today. They have to give a full explanation on why these alleged incidents happened and why there was no accountability.
A final sad note: On the latest list are nine clergy members who are/were Benedictine monks from St. John's Abbey. The leaders of the abbey need to be just as transparent about what is being done to avoid future abuse. And they need to explain why these people weren't held accountable at the time.