| Ex-playboy Model Daughter of Famed CIA Operative Comes Forward As Victim Who Sparked Sexual Abuse Investigation at Elite Manhattan Catholic School
By Ashley Collman
Daily Mail
May 27, 2016
Monica Perez Jimenez, 54 (pictured), has come out to identify herself as the victim who sparked a sexual abuse investigation at Loyola School, an exclusive Manhattan Catholic school
The former Playboy model daughter of a South American dictator and CIA operative has identified herself as the victim behind a sexual abuse investigation at an exclusive Manhattan Catholic school.
Monica Perez Jimenez, 54, was a student at Loyola School in the late-1970s and says she was molested by popular history teacher and basketball coach Louis Tambini six times.
Jimenez says she told administrators about the abuse just before leaving the school, but that they never took action.
It wasn't until she complained about the alleged sexual assaults in a post on the school's Facebook page last year that authorities first started investigating the school for covering up the abuse.
The investigation found that Tambini molested seven girls at the school in the 1970s and 1980s, but thanks to New York state's strict laws, none of the victims can sue the school.
According to state law, child sex abuse survivors can't file criminal charges against their attackers or sue for civil damages after their 23rd birthday.
Now Jimenez is calling on Republican lawmakers to end their blockade of a bill that would extend the statute of limitations, giving victims more time to confront their abusers in court.
'Loyola is the kind of school you would send your child to - do we have to wait until it happens to one of your children to protect kids from pedophiles?' she said in an interview with the New York Daily News.
Jimenez says she was enrolled in the school by her mother, famed CIA operative Marita Lorenz, because she thought a Catholic school would be a ' a safe place'. Jimenez was born of a torrid affair between Lorenz and former Venezuelan dictator Marcos Perez Jimenez. In addition to Jimenez, Lorenz also had an affair with Fidel Castro, a man she was trained to assassinate. Her mother's life as as CIA operative is so interesting that it is currently being optioned in Hollywood as a potential role for Jennifer Lawrence.
Jimenez says she was molested by popular teacher Louis Tambini six times during her time at Loyola. She can't sue the school though because the statute of limitation has expired
In her interview with the Daily News, Jimenez claims she was first molested by Tambini as a freshman at the school in 1976.
She says she was in history class when the teacher 'rubbed himself to arousal' on her backside as the rest of the class was looking out of a window.
'I thought there was some kind of mistake. I wiggled away and he followed me and continued to rub himself on my body,' she said.
Jimenez claims her teacher repeated the abuse on five other occasions, and that when her grades at the school started to slip - she was ordered to stay after school for tutoring with her attacker.
Jimenez is the daughter of famed CIA operative Marita Lorenz, right, and former Venezuelan dictator Marcos Perez Jimenez
is the daughter of famed CIA operative Marita Lorenz, right, and former Venezuelan dictator Marcos Perez Jimenez
Jimenez was eventually kicked out of the school in 1977, when cops arrested the girl for carrying a gun she claimed she got to protect her mother from Watergate burglar Frank Sturgis, who was her CIA handler.
She says she told administrators at the school about the abuse before she left and that they promised to investigate.
'They said (they) would handle it, but they brushed it away,' she said.
After another alleged incident, Tambini was quietly forced to leave the school in the 1980s but was able to join a different school. He died in 1999, after a long illness.
Jimenez is incensed that the school didn't do more to stop him.
'He should have been registered as a pedophile. They knew what he did,' she said. 'We need to have better laws. We need laws that protect children.'
For years, Jimenez says she struggled with depression and substance abuse caused by the abuse.
She has since turned a new leaf though, after learning self-defense and teaching it to other women. She even became a fitness model and appeared in an issue of Playboy magazine.
She is currently living in Costa Rica where she is planning to open up a self-defense gym.