| Church Must Speak Louder
Ottawa Sun
May 19, 2016
Holy Cross Catholic church
Several days after being approached by reporter Andrew Duffy about the abuse of children by Catholic priests, the Archdiocese of Ottawa issued a statement of regret. It wants us all to know it is horrified by the long history of priests abusing young people; Duffy’s reporting found at least 41 acknowledged cases in the Ottawa area since the 1980s.
The church wasn’t horrified enough to confirm the exact number, mind you; our reporter had to sift through court files as the church sues its own insurers to get back some of the money it paid in compensation to victims. Nor was the church horrified enough to actually answer any of the detailed written questions put to it about the scandal.
But in its statement, the archdiocese said that, several years back, it began “a process to create safe environments in our faith communities, notably parishes, for the protection of minors and other vulnerable persons.” This includes a code of conduct, and a detailed protocol regarding potential sexual abuse of minors. The documents make it clear – on paper at least – that priests and others have a responsibility not only to behave properly, but to report possible abuse to highers-up in the church.
That responsibility is interesting in light of what one lawyer for victims has found. He said he has rarely encountered a priest who spoke out. “Very rarely have I encountered a whistleblower priest,” said the lawyer. “Nobody steps forward. Nobody squeals on their brother priest.”
This stands in contrast to some other institutions of Canadian society, such as governments or businesses, which have evolved. Over the years, it has become a very real possibility that if a person engages in wrongdoing, including abuse, some colleague may well speak out. It’s not consistent – only in recent years have Canadians heard stories about abuses within the RCMP, for instance. But more and more, the whistleblower is seen in our society as a hero, not a cad.
The church, isolated as it often is, needs such brave people in its ranks. Yes, sex is often a forbidden topic since priests are supposed to be celibate. But even a priest knows when a child is being mistreated, bullied, exploited or abused.
Although putting an end to such acts is certainly the responsibility of the Catholic church, it is not just an institutional duty; it is the job of individuals too. Priests, deacons and others must speak up loudly and publicly. An organization that knows its members may “blow the whistle” is more likely to behave with honour in the first place.