| Statute of Limitations Has Denied These Sex-abuse Victims from Seeking Justice
New York Daily News
May 13, 2016
Jimmy Carlino (pictured) accused his former basketball coach of repeatedly sexually abusing him when he was 13-years-old. (ALEXIA FODERE/ALEXIA FODERE FOR NY DAILY NEWS)
There is no question Bob Oliva sexually abused former Queens resident Jimmy Carlino. The longtime Christ the King High School basketball coach admitted he assaulted Carlino during a 1976 trip to Massachusetts when he pleaded guilty to two counts of rape of a child in a Boston courtroom in 2011. But Oliva's attorney says he has no assets, and the Archdiocese of Brooklyn and Christ the King were dismissed as defendants in a lawsuit Carlino filed five years ago because of the statute of limitations. "He can't go after the people who covered up for Oliva because of the statute of limitations," Carlino's attorney Michael Dowd said. "Oliva can't possibly compensate him for what he has suffered."
In the 1980s, more than a half-dozen girls at the New York School for the Deaf-Fanwood said they were repeatedly molested and sodomized by a house parent who was responsible, along with his wife, for their daily care. The students, now women, met with school administrators several years ago and told their horrific stories of abuse. Fanwood officials, however, citing the statute of limitations and the school's fiscal condition, have refused to offer the women compensation.
Bob Oliva (l.) pleaded guilty to two counts of rape of a child, in a Boston courtroom in 2011. Macy Gordon (r.) allegedly sodomized a boy with a toothbrush.
Bob Oliva (l.) pleaded guilty to two counts of rape of a child, in a Boston courtroom in 2011. Macy Gordon (r.) allegedly sodomized a boy with a toothbrush.
A special schools investigator said Irwin Goldberg admitted sodomizing Mark Taylor when the victim, a 50-year-old former Adlai Stevenson High School student, confronted his former principal in 2000 while wearing a hidden video camera. The Bronx man said Goldberg abused him over the course of three years, but the pervy principal dodged criminal prosecution and a $10 million lawsuit despite the videotaped admission thanks to New York's statute of limitations.
Former Adlai Stevenson High School student Mark Taylor (pictured). (SUSAN WATTS/NEW YORK DAILY NEWS)
In 1980, a boy identified as John Doe II, a 14-year-old student at Yeshiva University High School for Boys in Manhattan, says he was sodomized by his Judaic dies teacher, Macy Gordon. Gordon allegedly sodomized the boy with a toothbrush, a method he's accused of using on other boys at the school. Yeshiva University received multiple reports of Gordon's alleged sexual assaults of children, from the late 1960s to early '80s, but did nothing to stop him or warn unsuspecting students. A traumatized John Doe II attempted suicide in his dorm room minutes after he was attacked. Weeks later, he and his father reported Gordon's alleged attack to a high-ranking Yeshiva administrator. The school continued to employ Gordon and didn't punish him. Several years later, after finally firing Gordon for sexual misconduct, the school continued to honor Gordon and endowed a scholarship in his name. John Doe II (along with 33 fellow accusers who claimed they were abused by Gordon or George Finkelstein, a school principal) had his claims repeatedly dismissed by New York federal and state courts on statute of limitations grounds, even though he didn't learn of the school's own misconduct, coverup, and facilitation of his abuse until December 2012.