| Advocates for Child-sex Abuse Victims Optimistic Child Victims Act Will Pass, Allow Them Their Day in Court
By Larry Mcshane
New York Daily News
May 13, 2016
Michael Polenberg thinks there's momentum to pass the Child Victims Act, which would give more rights to people who have been abused. (WILLIAM ALATRISTE/NEW YORK CITY COUNCIL)
Child-sex abuse victims rights advocate Michael Polenberg, after a decade of disappointment, is optimistic this year.
The executive at the group Safe Horizon thinks there’s a good chance that the long-delayed Child Victims Act to change the state’s statute of limitations in child abuse cases could finally pass.
“I think there is a momentum that none of us have seen before,” said Polenberg, vice president for governmental affairs at Safe Horizon. “These are the most encouraging signs we’ve seen that the folks in Albany are taking this seriously.”
Polenberg’s organization hopes to stir up more support with an online petition now available through its website, safehorizon.org.
“This gives the people a chance to weigh in with the legislature,” he said.
Safe Horizon is the nation’s leading support and advocacy group for victims of crime and abuse.
The current laws, sparing predators from criminal or civil prosecution unless their victims bring charges before age 23, often deny the abuse survivors a chance for closure.
“What you’re giving, really, is the survivors a chance to say, ‘I was harmed, and I would like this person or group of people or institution to answer, with a judge and a jury present,’” said Polenberg.
“And that is a fundamental American right.”
Legislation similar to the CVA was first introduced in the legislature back in 2006, but has failed to ever receive approval from the assembly and the senate.
Gov. Cuomo, Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and state Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan have a month to pass the bill since the legislative session ends on June 16.
Top Albany leaders or their reps will meet Monday with proponents of the legislation after pressure from the Daily News about the bill.
Polenberg said many of the fears cited by CVA opponents — frivolous lawsuits, civil institutions bankrupted — proved unfounded in other states where the statute of limitations was changed.
“I don’t think there’s that precedent,” he said.