| "Tyrant" Priest Sued for Vile Rants at Hs in Staten Island, "Unleashed a Constant Stream of Inappropriate Remarks"
By Barbara Ross, Larry Mcshane
New York Daily News
May 11, 2016
This man of God raised holy hell with his satanic curses.
A stunning new lawsuit accuses a trash-talking Staten Island priest of raining a steady spew of obscenities, insults and slurs on terrified staffers at St. Joseph By The Sea High School.
Women were “b----es” or “tw-ts,” gays were “f-gs,” certain teachers were “d---heads” to the coarse man of the cloth. Father Michael Reilly once even threatened to boot a black man “back to the jungle,” and to kick a cancer patient “to the f---ing curb.”
In fact, the suit charged the raunchy reverend appeared incapable of expressing a single thought without dropping an f-bomb — or ten.
Reilly “unleashed a constant stream of rude, crude and inappropriate remarks including saying the word f--- in almost every sentence in some form,” according to the 12-page Manhattan Supreme Court filing.
Father Michael Reilly (pictured) once threatened to boot a black man “back to the jungle,” and to kick a cancer patient “to the f---ing curb.” (AARON SHOWALTER/FOR NEW YORK DAILY NEWS)
The lawsuit charges Reilly, aided by two of his subordinates at St. Joseph By the Sea High School, created a hostile work environment, tried to fire older teachers — and practiced religious discrimination against Catholic employees.
The trio even spread bogus rumors that one of the plaintiffs was a pedophile, according to court papers.
“(The) rude, crude and abusive language and actions committed by Father Reilly ... and condoned by the Archdiocese and Cardinal Dolan are offensive to the tenets of (plaintiffs’) religious beliefs,” the suit charged.
“These crude and vulgar statements were intended to discriminate against the plaintiffs because of their devout Roman Catholic faith.”
Named along with Father Michael Reilly were his supposed “henchmen”: vice principal Robert Richard (l.) and dean of men Greg Manos(r.).
Named along with Father Michael Reilly were his supposed “henchmen”: vice principal Robert Richard (l.) and dean of men Greg Manos(r.).
Named along with Reilly were his supposed “henchmen”: vice principal Robert Richard and dean of men Greg Manos.
“This petty tyrant gets away with it because he gets backed up by the Archdiocese,” said Michael Dowd, attorney for plaintiffs Maureen Smith, Lawrence Boliak and Thomas Rodes. The latter two are retired cops.
The Archdiocese, in a statement, said “the genesis for this lawsuit” came last fall when Boliak allegedly pulled down the pants of a male former student on school grounds.
Boliak said he tugged at the young man’s shorts while trying to restrain the former student from fighting with Manos.
The lawsuit charges Reilly, aided by two of his subordinates at St. Joseph By the Sea High School, created a hostile work environment and practiced religious discrimination against Catholic employees. (KEN MURRAY/NEW YORK DAILY NEWS)
Boliak, 67, is under a doctor’s care for stress.
He charges that Reilly, the school, the Archdiocese and Cardinal Dolan wrongly branded him a pedophile. The lawsuit also charged the Archdiocese ignored complaints made about Reilly just six months ago.
Nobody ever called Boliak a pedophile, said Archdiocese spokesman Joe Zwilling — adding the charges of crude and abusive language were “absurd and strongly denied by Father Reilly and his staff.”
But the lawsuit described an instance where Reilly blasted a sick, elderly staffer in vile terms: “F--- crusty, she’s a vodka-s--tting b---h that we don’t need.”
Greg Young, whose son is a junior at the school, was surprised by the lawsuit’s allegations.
“(Reilly) comes to the football games,” said Young, 56. “He knows the students by name. This is a good school. If that's happening, we don’t want it here.”