| Harassment Complaint Filed with Police against Father Gabriel Naddaf
Jerusalem Post
May 11, 2016
Father Gabriel Naddaf. (photo credit:FACEBOOK)
A sexual harassment complaint was filed Tuesday against Christian IDF enlistment campaigner Father Gabriel Naddaf by a discharged Christian IDF soldier who also claimed exploitation by the cleric of his position as a priest and spiritual leader of the Christian community.
The ex-soldier’s attorney, Eyal Platek, told The Jerusalem Post that at least one more demobilized IDF soldier was preparing to file a similar complaint against the Greek Orthodox cleric.
Naddaf is scheduled to light a torch at the country’s national Independence Day celebrations on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem Wednesday night, an honor he was given for the high-profile campaign he has pursued to encourage Christian- Arab young men and women to enlist in the IDF and integrate into Israeli society.
Since the allegations arose earlier this week, however, there have been calls from public figures for him to withdraw from the proceedings.
“[Naddaf] should prevent embarrassment to himself, and the state he says he serves, and retract his participation in the ceremony,” Platek, said Tuesday.