| Fourth Priest of Local Parish Accused of Sex Abuse
By Scott Tedrick
Advocate Tribune
April 21, 2016
Following the release of the names of 16 credibly accused New Ulm Diocese priests of sexual abuse on March 29, a joint press release dated April 15 from the New Ulm Diocese and law firm Jeff Anderson and Associates names an additional three priests credibly accused of sexual abuse––and yet another, Fr. Bernard Steiner, served amidst local parishes.
A joint press release dated April 15 from the New Ulm Diocese and law firm Jeff Anderson and Associates names an additional three priests credibly accused of sexual abuse––and yet another, Fr. Bernard Steiner, served amidst local parishes.
Following the release of the names of 16 credibly accused New Ulm Diocese priests of sexual abuse on March 29, a joint press release dated April 15 from the New Ulm Diocese and law firm Jeff Anderson and Associates names an additional three priests credibly accused of sexual abuse––and yet another, Fr. Bernard Steiner, served amidst local parishes.
According to the release, Fr. Steiner was ordained in February 1961, for the Diocese of New Ulm. He served as pastor of St. James, Dawson and the mission of St. Isidore, Clarkfield from 1965-1969 and from 1981 - 1982 as an Administrator St. Andrews in Granite?Falls. Additionally, he was pastor of St. James and Dawson from 1978-1981; St. Clara, Clara City from 1982-1987; and was Administrator at the Sacred Heart and Raymond parishes from 1982 to 1987,
According to the release, the credible case of abuse occurred at the Church of St. Paul in Comfrey, Minnesota in the 1970s. Steiner retired from assigned ministry in 2005.
With the Steiner revelation, a total of four of the 19 priests credibly accused of sexual abuse served in either pastoral or administrative capacities at area churches, including all four at St. Andrew Catholic Church in Granite Falls.
Sought for comment, St. Andrew Catholic Church Pastor Paul Timmerman directed questions to the New Ulm Diocese communications office which responded with this statement:
“We are still learning about the nature of claims from victims and survivors being made under the Minnesota Child Victims Act. At this time, our primary focus is on fairly resolving these claims and seeking healing for the victims and survivors."
"The Minnesota Child Victims Act established a May 25, 2016 deadline to file a civil claim for historical cases of child sexual abuse."
"We encourage any victims or survivors of abuse who have not yet come forward to contact law enforcement immediately, and seek counsel from an attorney if they wish to file a civil claim."
"Victims and survivors of abuse in Church ministry are also encouraged to contact the diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator at 1421 6th Street North, New Ulm, MN 56073 or 507-233-5313 for counseling or other assistance in healing."
"Parishioners and Catholic school families are being informed of the lawsuits. It is not expected that the lawsuits will affect the normal operations of parishes or Catholic schools in the diocese."
"Bishop LeVoir apologizes on behalf of the Church to victims and survivors of sexual abuse by priests. The bishop, diocesan staff, and parish leaders are seeking a fair resolution to claims while allowing for the continuation of the work of the Church in our communities."