Studio Behind Oscar-Winning 'Spotlight' Acknowledges Fictionalizing Dialogue
By Marc Fortier
March 15, 2016
"Spotlight" |
The producers of "Spotlight," which won Best Picture at this year's Academy Awards, acknowledged on Tuesday that they fictionalized dialogue attributed to a real person who was portrayed in the film, according to Entertainment Weekly.
Boston College spokesman Jack Dunn had taken issue with a scene in which his character - in his role as a BC trustee - attempted to downplay the extent of the clergy sex abuse case.
"As is the case with most movies based on historical events, 'Spotlight' contains fictionalized dialogue that was attributed to Mr. Dunn for dramatic effect," Open Road Films said in a statement. "We acknowledge that Mr. Dunn was not part of the Archdiocesan cover-up. It is clear from his efforts on behalf of the victims at BC High that he and the filmmakers share a deep, mutual concern for victims of abuse."
The studio had previously defended the movie's portrayal of Dunn.
Dunn told Entertainment Weekly on Tuesday that he feels "vindicated" by the statement.