| Attorney General to Announce Criminal Charges in Johnstown Tuesday
By Ron Musselman
March 14, 2016
Kathleen Kane
Attorney General Kathleen Kane will be in Johnstown Tuesday morning to announce criminal charges related to a major investigation.
Pennsylvania's top prosecutor has not said what the announcement is about, but it's widely speculated the charges are related to findings from a grand jury report released by Kane two weeks ago.
That 147-page report claimed two Roman Catholic bishops in the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown helped cover up the sexual abuse of hundreds of children by over 50 priests or religious leaders over a 40-year period.
Kane has said none of the alleged criminal acts can be prosecuted because some abusers have died, statutes of limitations have run their course and victims are too traumatized to testify.
Tuesday's news conference will be held at Pitt-Johnstown's Heritage Hall at 10:30 a.m. You can watch the news conference, in its entirety, on-air on 6News, and here online.