Altoona woman calling for statute of limitation reform
By Karina Cheung
We Are Central PA
March 13, 2016
Altoona, Blair County, Pa.
The Attorney General's grand jury report on abuse in the Altoona-Johnstown Diocese has Pennsylvania abuse advocates, survivors, and lawmakers calling for statute of limitations reform.
An area woman, who is a survivor of abuse, will share her story at a rally in Harrisburg on Monday. She's speaking in support of two bills currently awaiting house approval.
28 years ago, Brenda Dick's life changed, forever.
"I was raped from the time I was 5 and touched clear up until I was 12, almost 13," remembered Brenda.
Now, Brenda is sharing her story with others, hoping for change. She started an online petition to end the statute of limitations for child abuse victims in Pennsylvania.
Monday she'll bring her story to Harrisburg.
"The state of Pennsylvania owes it to me as a victim, all the other victims, priest or not,” Brenda said. “Every single one of us are owed safety, security and justice."
There are currently two House bills addressing the statute of limitations. One calls to eliminate it in criminal and civil cases of child sex abuse. The other would create a two-year window for past victims to file lawsuits.
The statute of limitations ran out Brenda's case, but she's passionate about the issue.
"I don't care if it's fifty years and one day. That person needs to be held accountable for what they've done. I don't care if it's a priest, politicians, if it's Joe down the street. It doesn't matter because that lack of justice it lasts a lifetime."
She hopes that both Democrats and Republicans take the rally to heart.
"I want to make it understood that the statute of limitations needs to go. Abolish it, burn it, I don't care what you do to it, but it needs to go. It allows these people, these perpetrators, molesters, whatever title you want to give them, to go on and continue to commit the crime over and over again."
The rally will be held in the Main Capitol Rotunda at 1:30 Monday afternoon